Category: Geek

Wireless in the Garden

I can’t decide if this is really cool, or really sad.. I’m sat on a comfy reclining padded garden chair, under a gazebo (tent-like thing), munching on chocolate dairy cream eclairs, sipping blackcurrant ribena whilst wirelessly accessing the Internet. All of this at the same time as considering ideas laid out in Defensive Design for […]

Quick Fingers

Why is it that a pianist who can play at speed without looking at the piano keys is given the utmost respect and applause and yet when I type at my normal speed (some ridiculous amount of words a minute) without looking at my keys, it’s dismissed as geeky and sad? Is speedy touch-typing not […]

A Mixed Bag

It’ll come as no surprise to most of you that Dooce’s recent entry on potty training immediately made me think of my niece. She has, over the past few weeks, started down the road of learning to poop in her potty (Charlie, that is, not Dooce/Heather). It is quite early, from what I’ve heard, but […]

Geek T-Shirts

How does one spend the newly cashed cheque gained from your first fortnight in your new job? Why, on geek t-shirts from of course! It doesn’t matter that it’s sad to spend £25 on t-shirts that nobody will understand.. it’s not their fault that they’re simple, we still love them. You may be wondering […]

A Letter to God

Dear God, I know I’m not your most loyal subject, that I’m often caught mocking your existance or taking your name in vain; I know that it was wrong of me to eat that second mini cake yesterday and that mocking people like I do probably has serious consequences, but I need a favour. It’s […]

MS Win WMF exploit

I wasn’t going to blog about the new Windows Exploit because I know quite a few people already have, but as it turns out: Microsoft are being slow as usual and won’t be patching the issue until approx’ January 9th. The exploit is becoming incredibly widespread, new variants are popping up everywhere and apparently spyware […]

Cough! Splutter!

To Karl: “I think I’ll have a glass of orange juice to increase my CSS levels.” I think I meant Vitamin C levels. You’d think this cock-up would be to do with my terrible illness minor cough, but in actual fact these geeky man eating penguins.. eh.. where was I? Oh yes.. geeky moments. They […]

Ubuntu, baby!

So. Karl was fiddling with Ubuntu on his Desktop PC last night and after stealing my wireless key managed to get it working on Linux. Wooh. I took the mega scary oh-my-god my-laptop-is-going-to-die step this afternoon and HOORAH! I am now a linux n00b! My wifi key picked up the network straight away, and well.. […]

A Microsoft Bitch and the Q*bee

I must confess I’m a bit of a Microsoft-aholic. Alright, their browser bugs the crap out of me and I could quite happily go on a ban-FrontPage rally.. but generally speaking I find their Operating System/s to be handy, easy to use and usually always immediate in their support of drivers. I use a legal […]

Dirty Geek Joke

There are advantages to being in a ‘geek’ couple: Karl: Ooh, a left boob and a right boob!Jem: My boobs are relatively positioned.Karl: Well, as long as the margins are the same..Jem: No, I think my left margin is slightly bigger than my right.Karl: So you could say that they’re marginally different?Jem: Or that I’ve […]