40 things before I’m forty
In January 2026 I turn 40 years old, and have a list of personal milestones and broader goals I’d like to achieve before that big ‘FOUR OH’. Here’s my list, and links to how I’m getting on so far…
Eat pizza in Italy(read about my trip to Italy)- Go up in a hot air balloon
- Climb the three peaks (Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike, and Snowdon)
- See the northern lights
Compete in a powerlifting competition(read about it)- Pose for life drawing class
- Give a conference talk
Watch a live sporting event(read about it)- Get a will drawn up
- Pay off debts (again)
- Buy a subway sandwich
- Learn to swim
Hire a junior dev(read about it)- Go to a “proper” festival
- Get my taekwon-do black belt
- Have a MFM threesome 👀
- Run a marathon in every major UK city or the biggest UK marathons (
London,Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds,Edinburgh, Milton Keynes, Belfast … ?) Break £100k turnover in my business- Pick up another language again – i.e. log into duolingo for the first time in years (currently learning Spanish, day streak of 394 and counting)
- Be a better friend – write more, remember birthdays, listen better
- Finish the todo list on any one of my side projects
- Skinny dipping somewhere beautiful
- Do the parkrun A-Z (see progress so far)
- Complete a tough mudder
- Attend a Pride event
- Deadlift double my body weight
- Bench press my body weight
- Go zorbing
- Try out indoor climbing
- Have professional photos taken of the family
- Take part in the 365 Project – see my progress
- Go on a cross-country train adventure
- Get my nipple(s) pierced
- Get a tattoo
- Ride a horse
- Divorce my husband 🥲
- Run an ultra marathon
- Try a new sport – I like the look of Hyrox…
- Walk 10k steps a day for a whole year
- Contribute back to the WordPress open source project
Sounds familiar? That’s because I did a similar thing before I hit thirty.