Interwebs archive

Anything and everything vaguely internet related. Blogging, industry, social media: if you can find it online, I've talked about it in here.

The olden days

Got “recognised” by two different people on reddit yesterday as “that blogger” and god, if it hasn’t made me miss the olden days of blogging.

Write any old crap that comes to mind, publish, receive immediate feedback and support from peers and friends. Do it all again a few days later.

I’m not sure at what point I decided posts had to be “worthwhile”, when I stopped just throwing any old thought down on record. Maybe when I had kids and realised they’d grow up to read this absolute load of bollocks (Izzy, if you’re reading again, it’s not worth it poppet)

I’m not sure at what point social media became the preferred online time-sink instead of browsing and reading endless personal rambles and snippets from internet stranger’s lives. Maybe when those people grew up and got jobs and had kids and found something to do offline so stopped blogging too.

Huh, maybe it’s life before responsibilities I’m pining after, not the olden days of blogging. 😂

New Things!

New Look! Yes, as you can probably see, I’ve changed the way the site looks again. I’ve been tinkering about with this one for a while between work projects. The theme is based off the lovely Storyteller by Mauer Themes. I paid for the theme (fair’s fair) then completely re-created it so that it would… read full entry »

pipdig: Your Questions Answered

This blog post is a follow-up to yesterday’s post: Security alert: pipdig insecure, DDoSing competitors. Firstly, to re-iterate, my accusations are as follows… pipdig did knowingly and with malicious intent: used other blogger’s servers to perform a DDoS on a competitor manipulated blogger’s content to change links to competitor WordPress migration services to point to… read full entry »

Instagram isn’t the problem, you are

Forgive the click-baity title for just a minute and hear me out. I responded to Molly Forbes‘ tweet earlier today (which admittedly lacked context, so I was making a massive assumption on its intent)… …with the words “Sometimes I feel like I’m the only person who likes instagram.” Admittedly, my response was actually borne… read full entry »

The jemjabella Top Ten: Best of Jem

After a brief twitter conversation yesterday, I realised that I have over 17 years of blog posts on this site, but no way of distinguishing those actually worth reading from what is mostly a collection of personal old waffle. So, here’s my jemjabella all time top ten, as decided right now on no scientific basis… read full entry »

The StrongMum Project

My attempts at maintaining my strength and fitness this year have been indisputably more consistent (and as a result, visible in my overall health and weight). I’ve been wanting to write more about what I get up to, but didn’t want to make this blog fitness-focused; it is supposed to be more general/personal than that…. read full entry »

The future of shopping: offline vs online

Last week I had a conversation with Gaz’s colleagues about my budget Monday shops, off the back of a one-off trip to Tesco for a single meal which Gaz did at a cost of over £40. Forty pounds for one meal! This is in comparison to my weekly shop, which I’m quite pleased to have… read full entry »

Spend your time wisely

With the recent announcement over on my professional blog that I’m now celebrating 5 years of working for myself as a freelance developer, it feels somewhat bittersweet that I am also announcing the closure of one of my side projects: WAHMweb. It has been a labour of love over the past 5+ years. Designed originally… read full entry »

Insta fitness and chasing tiny

(This post doesn’t have an image attached to it because the search for “thinspiration” to demonstrate what I am getting at turned up some fucking horrific images and I don’t want to contribute to that.) Despite being a late adopter to Instagram (as per usual; I only downloaded snapchat this week) it is easily my… read full entry »