Starting Project £20k
After having a good moan about my financial / housing situation post-split from Karl, which ended on a jokey note about a project £15k, I thought well… actually, why don’t I start a new project? And why aim for £15,000 — that would mean I’d still need £5k from the bank — why not aim for the full £20k? And so Project £20k was born.
I need to raise £20,000 in a short a time span as possible so that I can buy Karl out of the mortgage without having to take on any extra debt.
Looking back at my original Mortgage Free in 5 Years? post I had the following money-making ideas:
- Selling stuff on ebay/preloved/whatever
- Increasing sign-ups on the WAHM web hosting network
- Get back into affiliate marketing
On top of that I know I need to:
- Finish my WAHM website ebook and release it (£)
- Make better use of advertising on my non-personal websites so that they actually make me money (if nothing else but to cover hosting!)
- Step up my game with my freelance shit and get a dual income thing going on
- Finish & release my “Jem’s mail form” form generator (£)
Beyond that, going back to basics with the budgeting, meal planning, and not wasting money on crap would be a good start. And if anyone has £20,000 lying around they don’t need…
Katy said:
On 29 May at 9:44 am
so how much is Dr Spammer going to give you for that kidney?
liveotherwise said:
On 29 May at 10:41 am
Must drop you that email.
At the beginning of last year, I had a short lived plan to raise £100k. I raised nothing. Must try again – we need an extension. Although if I keep on the way I’m going, Big will move out before I get round to it :/
Tanya said:
On 29 May at 5:04 pm
Good luck! I find that setting a very clear goal always helps, especially in the beginning. :)
Audrey said:
On 29 May at 5:37 pm
This seems like such a tall order. You have some ideas for how to make it happen though, and therefore it is possible. Best of luck to you on this!