The wettest 10k of my life
I recently entered the Shropshire Shufflers’ Severn Bridges 10k in Shrewsbury (after a little bit of a kerfuffle where it wouldn’t accept my affiliated club name) and ran with Gaz to celebrate his birthday. Never expected Gaz to choose a 10k to as a birthday celebration and yet here we are; I like to think of it as my good influence as a long time runner 😎
Katie, at lifeofamissfit, has some good tips for getting into running if you ever feel equally inspired by my awesomeness (hahahaha). Don’t ask me for tips, I haven’t figured it out myself yet.
Anyway – the 10k. The weather forecast on the day was optimistic – wet first thing but drying out in time for the race start – but it ended up being absolutely awful; I think it might have been the wettest race I’ve ever done, definitely the wettest 10k (and I’ve done a few). There were parts of the course where water was flowing down the roads and paths like a river and puddles so deep they were shin-level. Not a single inch of me was dry by the finish and I think it shows in my face in this photo taken near the end. 😂

Still, weather woes aside, it was a fun course and I’d like to do it again.
Before that though… the next race I have my sights set on is Newport Marathon. If I can complete that in April 2025, that will be a marathon completed in England, Scotland and Wales and one step closer to my “marathon in every major UK city” 40TBIF goal. Although I still haven’t actually defined what a “major city” is, and what to do if one of these so-called major cities doesn’t have a marathon; maybe I should do that first. 🤔
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