Picture the scene: it’s 4pm, it’s been a long day of juggling work, clients, customers, kids. I’m standing in front of the cupboards while the sound of hungry children fills the air. Despite full cupboards and a full fridge, I haven’t a clue what to cook, nobody knows what they want to eat and it… read full entry »
Oliver is a few days off 6 months, which means at some point shortly he’s going to be introduced to the wonderful world of food. I’m in no hurry — I’m quite proud of the fact that I’ve grown over 9kg of baby all by myself so far — and indeed neither is he, having… read full entry »
What is it about crying that makes it so hard to listen to? The sound? The knowledge that someone we love is in pain? I’ve heard far too much crying this week. One overtired, teething babe who won’t feed because his gums hurt, so he cries because he’s hungry which makes him tired which makes… read full entry »
Is scraggy a word? Firefox isn’t flashing me the wiggly red line of doom… When we moved into this house (the ‘omg mega debt’ house) there were carpets throughout. We made the decision to rip out the carpet in the front room and replace it with cheap vinyl; we did this for two reasons: 1)… read full entry »
I intended on taking part in NaBloPoMo this month. You can see how well that’s turning out for me. I am writing this whilst rocking side to side, in the hope that my little dude (fastened securely to my chest) will go to bloody sleep. Indeed, Oliver has gone from super easy laid back baby… read full entry »
A lot more meat than usual in this month’s. I got an offer on a meat box a while back and it’s all sat in the freezer waiting to be used. Figured I should get it cleared out in time for Christmas (uh oh, the C word) Thu 1st: Creamy chicken and leek pasta Fri… read full entry »
I know when cold and flu season is approaching for one rather unique reason… Hits to a rather, er.. “interesting” old post of mine fly through the roof. I have to say, if men suffer from sore testicles when they get a cold, it’s no wonder they moan so much. I can’t imagine that’s much… read full entry »
I have been a little frazzled recently, and in an attempt to get some ‘down time’ away from the screen was planning on doing a bit of crochet again. I say “a bit”, because as it stands I have never actually completed a project. In the cot next to my bed (which is used to… read full entry »
As my post on my decision to boycott Nestlé is doing the rounds on Facebook again (and I mentioned it on twitter this week) I thought I’d write an update on where I am with it. Firstly, it’s important to note that I’m not just sitting on my computer moaning about unfair marketing. I support… read full entry »
I realised yesterday that I’ve been comfort spending over the past few weeks. It’s somewhat ironic that a shopping hater would reach out to shopping to fill a gap where my sanity once was, but I guess it’s easy to click your mouse button a few times when you compare it packing a toddler and… read full entry »