Downgrading Firefox

While everyone is busy upgrading their WordPress, I spent this morning downgrading Firefox. As most of you will likely remember, I upgraded to Firefox 3 on download day and was “quite happy” with it. The excitement was fairly short-lived, unfortunately. I’ve been having problems with Firefox for a couple of months. I’d close the browser… read full entry »

Total Rows In MySQL Query ‘Trick’

Background: I wrote this post last week, after discovering what I thought was a nifty trick. Shortly afterwards, I found contradicting evidence that suggested the traditional route of using a separate query of COUNT(*) was faster, and/or it depends on your individual database design. Instead of deleting the post, I figured I should publish it… read full entry »

PHP Mail Form Update

I’ve just released version 2 of my free PHP mail form and heartily welcome feedback from those currently using version 1 of the script. (That means: someone hurry up and test it so I don’t have to! Kidding, kidding…)

Is Your Pipe Wrong?

Something that came up in conversation this weekend (well, this is what happens when you get more than one geek in a room)… on many keyboards, the pipe is in the wrong place. The pipe — that’s | to you non-geeks — is just to the right of the left-hand shift key on UK keyboards…. read full entry »

Super Productive

I’ve been super productive, and answered all of my questions! No, not really, Rachael did it. Teehee.

Furry Friday: Innocent

I wanted to give you all piggie pics today, but they’ve not sat still for long enough and the light has been terrible, resulting in absolutely zero usable pictures. Anyway, settle for catties… (well, one catty): Fudge has such an innocent face, until you catch him stealing your chicken out from under the grill (for… read full entry »


After spending the past couple of years or whatever blasting the shit out of twitter because it’s encourages inane BS, I actually got one. To reserve my username, of course, no other reason :P

Animal Crossing: Lets Go to the City Review

I can’t remember when I first got hooked on Animal Crossing… it must have been not long after the DS version came out (“Animal Crossing: Wild World“) because I’d never heard of it back when I spent weekends hard-wired in to the GameCube. I know that I’d read online that it was similar to Harvest… read full entry »

Dying Girl is Not Dying

I don’t know of how many of you will recall this, but when I gave out my last Pants Award, the recipient turned around and told me that I shouldn’t have criticised her site because she has terminal cancer. I’m not sure in what way the two are related — cancer doesn’t cause you to… read full entry »