We-ell… the one answering about PHP was done in an awfully cheerful tone. But then again… I suppose if you approve. Heh, now you’re so elite you have someone answering questions in your stead.
Some of the questions were dictated by me even though they were typed by Rachael, so it would be impossible – even for me – to work out who did what ;)
Stephanie said:
On 06 Dec at 11:05 pm
Kaylee said:
On 07 Dec at 4:24 am
Is it bad that I can’t tell where Rachael’s answers end and yours begin?? :P
Shannon said:
On 07 Dec at 6:48 am
Perhaps it is because I read this post before reading the questions, but I think I can see a change of tone where Rachael’s answers begin.
Confirmation bias? Or I’ve forgotten.
Mimi said:
On 07 Dec at 7:49 am
You kissed a girl!?
Vera said:
On 07 Dec at 6:20 pm
We-ell… the one answering about PHP was done in an awfully cheerful tone. But then again… I suppose if you approve. Heh, now you’re so elite you have someone answering questions in your stead.
Jem said:
On 07 Dec at 7:11 pm
Some of the questions were dictated by me even though they were typed by Rachael, so it would be impossible – even for me – to work out who did what ;)
chanel said:
On 07 Dec at 8:34 pm
I spread myself with Manjuice all the time after sex. ;)
Roxanne said:
On 08 Dec at 2:04 pm
I would never have expected you to like Katy Perry…haha!
Karl said:
On 08 Dec at 8:29 pm
Jem did more than Kiss a girl..I have it on video! ;)