Super Productive

I’ve been super productive, and answered all of my questions! No, not really, Rachael did it. Teehee.

9 comments so far

  1. Stephanie said:
    On 06 Dec at 11:05 pm


  2. Kaylee said:
    On 07 Dec at 4:24 am

    Is it bad that I can’t tell where Rachael’s answers end and yours begin?? :P

  3. Shannon said:
    On 07 Dec at 6:48 am

    Perhaps it is because I read this post before reading the questions, but I think I can see a change of tone where Rachael’s answers begin.

    Confirmation bias? Or I’ve forgotten.

  4. Mimi said:
    On 07 Dec at 7:49 am

    You kissed a girl!?

  5. Vera said:
    On 07 Dec at 6:20 pm

    We-ell… the one answering about PHP was done in an awfully cheerful tone. But then again… I suppose if you approve. Heh, now you’re so elite you have someone answering questions in your stead.

  6. Jem said:
    On 07 Dec at 7:11 pm

    Some of the questions were dictated by me even though they were typed by Rachael, so it would be impossible – even for me – to work out who did what ;)

  7. chanel said:
    On 07 Dec at 8:34 pm

    I spread myself with Manjuice all the time after sex. ;)

  8. Roxanne said:
    On 08 Dec at 2:04 pm

    I would never have expected you to like Katy Perry…haha!

  9. Karl said:
    On 08 Dec at 8:29 pm

    Jem did more than Kiss a girl..I have it on video! ;)