I’m a Whiny Cow

I’ve just sent in a complaint email to the Mars company/customer care people, because every Malteser I’ve had so far from a bag I bought today has tasted like plastic. I just wanted some tasty, crispy chocolate, jeez. :(

Live.com Fake SERP Referrals Are Pissing Me Off

Melissa and I had a short chat about Live.com search results in our stats a while ago. Long story short, a whole bucketload of search result click-throughs were showing up in our hits that were either a) irrelevant to our sites or b) were bullshit, because we weren’t ranked for that term anyway. This wasn’t… read full entry »

Christmas Wishlist

Because I’m a materialistic twat, and know full well that at least two people buying me gifts this year read my website, I’ve compiled a short list of things that I’d like for Christmas. :D An Asus EEE netbook. Linux version, preferably the 901. (hahaha, keep wishing Jem) High Performance MySQL by multiple authors The… read full entry »

Rev.iew.me Christmas Contest

I’ve teamed up with Jordan at Holdfire hosting to offer 6 months hosting and a domain absolutely free in the rev.iew.me Christmas contest — review and win :)

Alternative to Silk Icons

If you’re bored of famfamfam’s silk icon set, why not try out “Fugue“? (Attribution necessary unless you pay a license fee.)

BellaB~ and NinjaLinks Updates

I’ve started updating every one of my scripts so that I can push important bug fixes and updates before Christmas, giving me time to relax and work on a few other things. Now is the time to shout about any possible features or complain about things you don’t like. If you’re making a suggestion, please… read full entry »

Nifty Gadget

is it going to rain? — find out the weather & temp. without having to battle with bloated weather.com (or go outside)

Amazon Prime Trial

Those of you doing their Christmas shopping online might be interested to know that Amazon are offering a free month trial of their Prime delivery thingy. I got £8 delivery for nothing today. (Just remember to cancel it before they charge your card next month!)

Furry Friday: DIY

Hanna and Sofia were nagging me via the quilting bee IRC channel last night to post more pictures of the boys (cats & pigs). The suggestion of a pet blog was made, but given my current site list comprises of this blog, tutorialtastic, rev.iew.me, the q*bee, my various fanlistings, etc, I decided a regular Furry… read full entry »

British VAT Change Affecting Online Retailers

I don’t know if you will have all heard (given that most of my readers are hailing from the USA) but the UK government has reduced VAT — the tax we pay on many goods and services — from 17.5% to 15% effective as of Monday 1st December. While this is barely going to scrape… read full entry »