The one where I enter a marathon
Last week I entered a marathon.
Yes, me, the person who runs slow AF half marathons on no training because it seems like too much effort.
I have entered a bloody marathon.
And not just ANY marathon, oh no. I have entered the “How Hard Can It Be” May the 4th be with you trail marathon. The full version of the half marathon I did in May which as you may recall, included an ascent of more than 2000ft.
Which I will have to do twice.
I don’t know what possessed me. I mean, it’s one thing winging a half marathon and hoping for the best, but I don’t think it’s advisable to attempt over 26 miles without at least doing a few training runs first.
Still, it’s not til May 2017, so I have plenty of time before I need to start panicking…
Hanna said:
On 27 Sep at 4:14 am
Well it’s good to have goals. :) Good luck! My goal is still just the 10km.
Katy said:
On 27 Sep at 8:40 am
maybe you need to find a few 10k/half marathons to enter along the way, to keep you motivated ;)
Jem said:
On 27 Sep at 2:38 pm
I think that’s probably the only way I’m going to maintain training… fit in a race or two every month til May.
Andy said:
On 14 Oct at 4:35 pm
Go you!
I’ve done a “How Hard Can It Be” half marathon too (Piece of Cake) . It’s a different beast to a regular half marathon!
The medal for the May 4th event looks great!