Rabbits, half marathons, fitness & weddings
Holy crap, it feels like I basically haven’t stopped doing stuff lately. I’d blame that for my inconsistent blogging but we all know that’s been an issue for many years, so I’ll cut to the chase and get you up to speed on the funky biz that’s happening in my life at the moment…
The wabbit
I brought Peanut home and within 3 days I’d got him eating better food (science selective nuggets – best commercial rabbit food you can buy), more hay, and as I type this he’s on the lawn grazing on grass and clover. He is still nervous about being approached, and isn’t too keen on the resident guinea pigs, but I did manage to get a couple of strokes yesterday before he binky-ed off.
Half marathon
On Wednesday, I completed the “May the 4th Be With You” trail half marathon: 13.1 miles up and down the beautiful hills of Church Stretton in Shropshire. Ascending more than 2000ft, this was perhaps both the most challenging and yet most enjoyable race I’ve ever taken part in. It was a fabulous day (the weather was really on our side) and the company of some fellow Broseley Joggers made it a fantastic experience all in. We finished in 3 hours 21 minutes officially, although had stopped to take pictures and enjoy the snacks at the water station, so actual moving time was more like 3 hours 10.
Fitness bits
I’ve been LOVING going to the gym, having fit in an upper body session this morning (resting my legs after Wednesday / got a 10k on Sunday!) I’ve been visiting twice a week most weeks since the beginning of April now. I’ve not had any issues with dudebros, people are always happy to answer questions and will let you step in without a second thought. Nobody has made me feel unwelcome or inferior because I’m a relative n00b (and female; although this causes the odd double take).
As well as the gym, Gaz and I have recently signed up to ongoing taekwon-do sessions having participated in a cheap trial month. We’re both approaching our first assessment thingymabob to go up a belt, which is strangely intimidating and yet should be fairly easy.
Wedding bells
In less than two weeks time Gaz and I will be married. I’ve finally found a simple wedding ring I like (two, actually.. don’t ask) and everything else is sorted. Not that there was much to sort for the wedding, because it’s literally going to be a case of turn up, say I do, go eat pizza. WINNING.
The wedding party was slightly more complex to organise but even then: food, booze, people, music. Bob’s your uncle, etc. I’ll tell you more about that after the event, of course.
Of course, I genuinely can’t believe that this is actually happening. I thought Gaz would have got bored / fed up with me long before this point. He’s clearly mad.
But then… aren’t we all?
marjo said:
On 08 May at 8:49 pm
I’ve been visiting your site for about 10 years now. I think it is wonderful to read you’re about to marry Gaz.
I wish you a lovely day!
I was in the UK past week btw and the weather was very very nice. We might even return ;-)
Jem said:
On 09 May at 10:52 am
Thanks marjo!
Yes, we’re having lovely weather at the minute. It’s not always like this though ;)
Raison717 said:
On 10 May at 9:12 am
It’s so bloody exciting! Can’t wait to hear all about it :) well done on the gym stuff too.
MrsB @ Mind over Matter said:
On 11 May at 10:39 am
THAT is the best race medal ever.
And you’re totally winning at wedding planning – simple is the way.
Nadia said:
On 07 Aug at 2:46 pm
Going on a gym – looks familiar!
I really miss gym. I have some mid weight dumbbells and bars. Because of busy schedule I can’t go on a gym on the regular basis.
Anyways, Congrats for your new life – The wedding one.