Recording memories

One of the things I started doing after I left Karl was keeping random things to record my new way of life – I wanted to have something to look at as a visual reminder of how far I’ve come.

In an envelope stashed safely in my kitchen I have receipts, spent train tickets, race numbers, the baggage label from my flight to Barcelona etc. Tidbits of paper and other miscellaneous scraps which mean the world to me but probably look like rubbish to anyone else (good job nobody does any tidying at my house.)

I bought a scrapbook which arrived today: a canvas on which I can arrange and annotate. I’ve browsed scrapbooking pinterest boards to inspire me make me feel inadequate. I have glue and the kid’s craft stuff to raid for decoration and embellishment.

Everything I need is right there… so why am I scared of sticking this stuff down?

6 comments so far

  1. Chantelle said:
    On 01 Oct at 9:38 pm

    Just get started. If it looks rubbish at first, who cares because you can always fix it later and at least things are where they’re supposed to be (in the scrapbook). Beginners’ things are rarely pinable.

    But, hypocritically, I’ve been doing the same thing. I want to do Project Life so I bought albums, embellishments, and even joined a monthly subscription service for more goodies earlier this summer and still have nothing in my albums. :( My excuse is that I have been preparing for something huge! this weekend and just haven’t had time. Next week, I hope to start.

  2. Georgie said:
    On 01 Oct at 9:38 pm

    I used to be very into scrapbooking, but I have gone the opposite direction. I used to keep small bits of paper because they were visual reminders of really nice times and experiences, but in the past couple of years I decided that I didn’t need to keep everything. I take digital photos and keep blogging to have a digital kind of record, but I still receive the occasional card and get some of my photos printed so I can stick them on my wall.

    If you’re scared then perhaps it’s because it’s something new for you? Coming out of my previous relationship, I had a slightly different way of looking at life and did many things differently. I was kinda scared of doing stuff ‘wrong’… don’t think there is a wrong way of arranging visual memories though :D

  3. Katy said:
    On 02 Oct at 9:58 am

    take photos/scans and arrange it all digitally until it’s perfect? Or don’t bother wasting even more precious time doing that and just stick stuff down already :P

  4. Carly said:
    On 02 Oct at 12:37 pm

    I have this problem too !!!

  5. Carly said:
    On 02 Oct at 12:43 pm

    I think a really easy way to get started is to get a binder and put in pockets like this –

    You buy (or cut) little card squares to fit each pocket and then just glue on your memorabilia. You could fill each page up with a theme – like a certain trip. I think it’s less of a commitment than making a full page layout from scratch. All your doing is filling up little pockets like this:

    It’s dead cheap to print out the pictures too, just arrange all on a page in photoshop and print out. Cost me 75p in my local tesco (then cut out to shape).

    This is what I plan on doing :)


  6. Kim said:
    On 06 Oct at 5:40 pm

    I’ve started and never completed three scrap books, the most recent one was a custom designed and custom made album for me and the ex from Phoenix Copper Art. I thought have something beautiful would encourage me to fill it. It didn’t. I didn’t want to ruin it and never ended up doing anything with the album. I think my ex still has it.

    Currently, my memories (postcards, ticket stubs, receipts etc) are in a photo album that I’ve decorated the cover of.