I have too many dresses

I nipped up Telford Town Centre today, because two invoices coming in on the same day made me feel rich meant I could get my haircut. I’m actually growing it out, but the back looked awful because it was about 5 different lengths thanks to a variety of asymmetrical cuts over the last 18 months.

Anyway, while I was up there I went into New Look for the first time in my life. I don’t normally feel fashionable enough to shop in there. I’m still not fashionable enough, but they had a nice yellow blouse that caught my attention. This was a slippery slope. Before I knew it I’d picked up the blouse, a warm top for the coming months (genuinely needed) and two more dresses.

Two dresses? No big deal you say.



Would you believe there are 41 dresses in that lot. FORTY ONE. Crammed into that tiny space. That doesn’t include the two that have fallen off hangers, the fact that there’s likely to be a couple in the wash, or the jumper that is long enough to be worn as a dress.

Or the two I bought today.


Is 45(ish) too many dresses?

8 comments so far

  1. adastra said:
    On 16 Sep at 5:34 pm

    Wow, that is a lot of dresses! At least compared to my wardrobe – I have a total of 2 dresses. Both are only for very special occasions, like weddings and stuff. I guess I’m very much a pragmatic person, I like comfy clothes, which usually is just a jeans, a t-shirt and a sweater. I have a nice collection of geeky t-shirts though :D

    • Jem said:
      On 16 Sep at 5:35 pm

      Two years ago, I had one dress and it didn’t fit (it does now) so I know it’s DEFINITELY a lot of dresses, haha.

      (I still have a lot of geek tshirts too!)

  2. Chantelle said:
    On 16 Sep at 7:35 pm

    I would say that it is possible for 45ish dresses to be too many, but if you like and wear them, it’s fine (there’s even room for more). Dresses are fun–I love the second one in your picture too–you look great. :D

    I’m trying to grow my hair out too, without chemicals, but because my hair is incredibly difficult to manage I might give up on it. I have a year? left before it’s decent. Your current cut looks stylish.

    • Jem said:
      On 16 Sep at 9:40 pm

      Thank you :D

      I guess I’m lucky in that my hair is really easy to deal with. Even the hairdresser remarked on how it did exactly as it was told as she was dealing with it. Seems almost a shame then, that I never do anything with it!

  3. Audrey said:
    On 16 Sep at 8:31 pm

    You look amazing in those! I can see why you wanted them. If it were me, I’d donate some of the unwanted, older, or out of season dresses to lower the overall number.

    • Jem said:
      On 16 Sep at 9:41 pm

      I think there’s definitely a couple that could be sold (still got tags on!) and a couple in great condition that could be donated. My worry is that I’ll use that to justify buying more!

  4. Dee said:
    On 16 Sep at 8:57 pm

    No! 45 is not too many! To be honest though, it really depends. I have a coworker who almost always, 99% of the time, wears dresses. I also enjoy dresses. I probably have ~30 that go through the different ranges of casual to formal. I don’t think it’s unreasonable.

    My biggest savior when I go shopping now are the following questions:
    1. Do I love it? (Not sort of like or it might be okay, but must love) [If yes, proceed to #2. If no, do not buy]
    2. Do I have something similar? [If yes, do not buy. If no, proceed to #3]
    3. Do I have somewhere to wear this? [If yes, proceed to #4. If no, do not buy.]
    4. Evaluate the affordability. [My preference is <$20USD. Depending on the quality, I may go as high as $40USD]

    You'd be surprised at how many cute dresses I can find! Though I do clean once in a while and donate the ones that don't fit or I don't like wearing anymore. There was a life hack that said to turn over all the hangers in your closet so they face a certain way. As you take a dress off the rack and put it back, make sure the hanger faces the opposite direction. In a few months or another determined period of time, you can see which dresses you wore and didn't wear.

  5. Cindy said:
    On 19 Sep at 1:12 am

    45? Nahhhh. I’d say there’s no hard-and-fast number as to what “too many dresses” equates to, but as long as you feel like you’ve got a good set of dresses and you don’t feel burdened, issallgood.

    Also, you are absolutely killing it in those two dresses! Red’s such a stellar color on you.