A few quick words on #BrightonSEO
I’m sat in the concert hall at the Brighton Dome waiting for the keynote before I leave to head for Gloucester.
It’s been a great day with some really motivating talks – considering I came for networking potential rather than specifically learning, I’ve taken away some great points and things to try out on topics from content marketing to local SEO. Highlights for me include the talks by Greg Gifford, Paul Madden and the 20yr old with the multiple social media accounts churning out shit tons of content (who’s name, embarrassingly escapes me at the second!)
Was also great to finally meet some familiar names and faces. Ryan Gibson, who has been invaluable in giving advice on everything from monetising content to weight lifting (maybe I should mix those two?) and Alex Moss who I know of through Rhys, a long time bloggy friend who I still haven’t met (but hopefully will when I travel to Manchester for WordCamp in October).
A fruitful day that’s left me buzzing with ideas. Hopefully that positive energy will carry me through tomorrow’s 10km in Gloucester…
Jem said:
On 18 Sep at 5:33 pm
Someone remind me to add some links and slides to this post when I have a decent internet connection!