Remember Amelie?

Do you remember Amelie? My sofa, that is…

Homebase brand Amelie Left hand Corner Group Natural sofa

Turns out she’s not as comfy as she looks when you’re stuck on her nursing 24/7 (oh, newborns…)

Still, being sofa-bound means I’ve been able to (literally) one-handedly launch Jem On WordPress. I wanted to do a full, ‘official’ launch, but as making a big deal out of my project ideas seems to bring sudden death to all inspiration I decided it was probably better to get it up, actually do some work on it, and then start telling people. So here I am, telling people.

I wonder what my words per minute is, typing one-handed…


  1. …I wondered where you were going with this entry :P

  2. I don’t remember Amelie. Ever since she got this new man in her life she’s been MIA. T_T

    But I do remember Amelie the sofa. It was quite comfy to stretch out on when I was there, but I guess I wasn’t on it long enough to find out what a torture chamber it really is!

  3. Aaand, I forgot to write about your project which is what this entry is really about. So, yay project!

    P.S. When I am at the Stampede next month, walking through the livestock areas, and I see the giant piggie moms nursing their baby piggies I will think of you. ;)