Suggestions for tutorialtastic

Assuming Isabel continues to take several long — albeit fart-filled — naps during the day, I want to try and get the next incarnation of tutorialtastic ready to go for some time early new year. With that in mind, please please please leave me a comment with feedback on what you’d like to see… either generic suggestions or specific tutorial ideas. I’ve lost my original list so need ideas from those who use the site the most.

(If people could pass this message on to others who use the site, via message boards/twitter/whatever, would be eternally grateful :))

29 comments so far

  1. Johnathan said:
    On 14 Dec at 6:02 pm

    Some AJAX stuff? Specifically with PHP but not just forms.

  2. Mari said:
    On 14 Dec at 6:06 pm

    Isabel will probably be thrilled to know the Internets knew she farted profusely as an infant whenever she learns to read. XD

    As for tutorialtastic, fixing the two 404’s on this page would help.

    Personally, I’d like to see more stuff like that. How to properly code a standard xhtml/css site from scratch (with maybe a little help from Jem) tutorials and whatnot.

  3. Catherine said:
    On 14 Dec at 6:09 pm

    personally I would love to know how to have a secure login page (like the one you already have!) that leads to a secret page, but with more than one user (as in username and password options). though not sure if anyone else would find this remotely useful.

  4. Aisling said:
    On 14 Dec at 6:28 pm

    First, dettach TTs feed from Jemjabella’s. :P Whenever you update here, it also shows up as a TT update as well.

    Secondly, anything that will make my classmates wet themselves with pure joy. They love new tricks, and we’ve pretty much learned everything that’s already on TT. (Well, not LEARNED. But they know of it, and are in the process of figuring out how to actually do it).

    I’m not very helpful and mainly I want the feeds thing fixed, and also a shiny new layout, kthnx. :P

  5. Amelie said:
    On 14 Dec at 6:49 pm

    ^ I agree re feeds! :P Other than that I have no ideas, sorry :S

  6. Amanda said:
    On 14 Dec at 6:58 pm

    What’s not there already? How about some information on frameworks vs. master stylesheets etc (because I’ve been doing research and not coming up with a decisive answer). For php, how to highlight the active tab for navigation. Maybe a review on CSS3 and HTML 5? Hmm, not sure what else. But I’m looking forward to any new additions to TT. There’s so much to learn and you explain it so that I actually understand it. :)

  7. Dave Robinson said:
    On 14 Dec at 7:27 pm

    There seems to be quite gap in the tutorial world about what to do after the client’s site is up. i.e. after testing, SEO, where aim your site at, how to use googly anayltics and google adwords things of those nature :)

  8. Cristina said:
    On 14 Dec at 7:30 pm

    AJAX, CSS3, and HTML 5!

  9. John said:
    On 14 Dec at 8:46 pm

    Maybe a tutorial for CSV files, you already have one for writing to the file, but not fetching its contents.

  10. Jenn said:
    On 14 Dec at 10:25 pm

    I would love to see some more PHP tricks and snippets.

    Maybe since you used Chyrp for a moment. Show home to include php in to twig, if you know how. If not, any updates would make me happy. I love the web site! :D

  11. Rebecca said:
    On 14 Dec at 11:53 pm

    Hmm, I’d like to seeā€¦
    – How to generate a site map that automatically updates when you add or delete pages
    – How to make a styleswitcher
    – Tips of making a site cross-browser compatible
    – Tips on semantically correct coding
    – Tips on website management
    – How to make a mail form secure that doesn’t use any captcha
    – How to make a drop down menu that works even with javascript disabled
    – How to do a login/password protected prompt (e.g. The pop up prompt that happens before you see the login form in cpanel)
    – Reviews on N-13 News, Fusion News and sNews

  12. Nyx said:
    On 15 Dec at 12:29 am

    Adding my voice to the Fix Feed Please! chorus.

    Personally I love the CCS tutorials, with PHP tricks seconds. I learned to do the header + footer thing on Tutorialtastic, as well as tableless and centered layouts. I used your skinning tutorial to build one of my sites as well and it worked like a charm!

  13. Hev said:
    On 15 Dec at 2:41 pm

    I love Rebecca ideas. I wouldn’t mind some WordPress tuts, but that may be not what you want to add. Some more simple php tutorials would be wonderful. Things I could add to my WordPress site would be nice.

  14. B. said:
    On 15 Dec at 4:30 pm

    Agree with Jenn. Would love to see something Chyrp-related.
    Some ideas:

  15. Davetta said:
    On 18 Dec at 9:56 pm


    I’ve just found this article online: "2009 CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors". I don’t know if you’ve read it or not, but I’d really love to hear your take on this subject. :)

  16. Davetta said:
    On 18 Dec at 9:58 pm

    The URL to the article would probably prove to be most helpful right now, wouldn’t it? lol

    2009 CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors

  17. Scott said:
    On 20 Dec at 6:09 pm

    More PHP related things… Like, umm… I have no idea, just something cool. And yeah, the Chyrp tutorials would be a great idea! You could also do mini Habari tutorials, seeing as there aren’t many out there at the moment! <3>

  18. Melissa said:
    On 21 Dec at 12:28 am

    A secure log in script would be great as Catherine stated.

  19. Paddy said:
    On 21 Dec at 3:25 am

    I have absolutely no idea what Ruby On Rails is, but all the cool kids seem to use it. I wanna be a cool kid.

  20. Jem said:
    On 21 Dec at 10:51 am

  21. Chelsea said:
    On 21 Dec at 2:39 pm

    I’d love to see CSS troubleshooting, how to test websites/view them without uploading online, basics of blog management, basic graphic design (maybe Gimp, if you’ve ever used it).

  22. Melissa said:
    On 21 Dec at 4:55 pm

    *pokes* ;)

  23. Amelie said:
    On 21 Dec at 5:25 pm

    Ooh, Ruby tutorials are a good idea. Could possibly help with that one if you want?

  24. Jem said:
    On 21 Dec at 5:43 pm

    You’ll have to, with me not being a Ruby-ier :p

  25. Amelie said:
    On 21 Dec at 7:07 pm

    Ha, I’m hardly an expert :P Maybe get Sarah from 3till7’s input as well, she’s a great RoR person :D

    There was some talk a while back of accepting group submissions for TT – you still going to do that? Can’t remember if you ever did it/decided on it or not, hehe :P

  26. Jabed said:
    On 22 Dec at 12:08 pm

    Jem, you’ve had a baby?
    I havent been online for ages and decided to check your website out and only just realised that Isabela is a new member in your little family.
    I hope she is healthy and welll. x

  27. Jabed said:
    On 22 Dec at 12:18 pm

    Oops forget to add, can I make a small suggestion?
    You should have a link to your tutorial website somewhere on this website.
    Maybe you could make a cute little animated ‘TT’ sort of thingy to sit next to the q-bee link in your sidebar.

  28. Shari said:
    On 23 Dec at 5:16 am

    Congratulations again on the new bundle of joy (or is it?). As for tutorialtastic, hmm, would be nice for CSS sprites to be more widely used. And maybe some hypertext access stuff?

  29. Hannah said:
    On 04 Jan at 10:37 pm

    Whoops, I thought I’d already commented on this but, all I can really say is more PHP please. :D