pixelfx two years on

It was two years ago this week that I completed my somewhat infamous review of pixelfx.org. I was hoping that this month I’d be able to go back and tell you all how much has been improved and how much the site has changed for the better.

Turns out, it’s still just as shit now as it was then.


  1. Wow! I thought pixelfx.org would at least change by now. I was also hoping pixelfx.org would’ve changed for the better.

  2. lol. The owner must be pretty stupid.

  3. Lol. I haven’t been there for two years too… it’s still crappy! She should at least change some tutorials that suck and the design.

  4. Haahaha, does it still have the poo-y layout? *goes to check..*

  5. Wow. It really doesn’t change? Does the person who owns it update ever? It seems odd to exist in a medium for two years and remain stagnant.

  6. I’ve never actually been on pixelfx.org, and I don’t think I ever will go on it. I’ve always used tt.co.uk :)

  7. Maybe she doesn’t update it anymore and therefore doesn’t give a crap that her site is…well, worthless?

  8. Massive surprise there…

  9. I’m pretty sure it hasn’t been *updated* at all in those two years. And to think there are still many people who rely on it…*shivers*

  10. What I find disappointing is that the layout still seems to be the same. =/

  11. Wow, it hasn’t changed at ALL. And it’s dying off anyway…

  12. Wow, that made me laugh.

  13. Has it already been two years?? I thought you did it last year… Ugh… the layout is still the same poop-colored one. Yuck… are you sure they’re not on indefinite hiatus?

  14. no change in 2 years just qualifies as waste of space

  15. has it just been left how it was or are there updates? loving the bryce 3dness :) ahh back in the day! I used to use their greymatter tutorials for apricot13!! :D

  16. What did you expect? I bet she is still proud of offering crappy tutorials and other people’s scripts….

  17. Jem

    27 Jan at 12:20 pm

    Well, perhaps I’m naive, but two years? I had expected to see some of the tutorials fixed, or at least a more aesthetically pleasing layout? Anything that shows that there is still life in the site..

  18. That layout haunts me in my dreams. :(

  19. The people she hosts are still very active, but she updated the website only twice (that she posted about) last year. Is it just me that finds that really strange?

  20. It has had some changes in those two years… She’s added some scripts (*cough*mine*cough*) though she has been kind enough to link to the author’s original page and not stick them on her site as she did before. She seems to have got rid of a lot of scripts that weren’t hers as well… But I don’t know how recent this all is, I don’t make a habit of visiting that site very often.

  21. You actually expected PixelFX to improve? :P

  22. I still don’t get why she has a tutorial on PHP includes but still uses iframes instead.

  23. Would that be considered epic fail? I think so!

  24. I’d assume that she’s simply stopped updating her sites? That’s what I would personally do as it’d take a miracle to undo the bad publicity that your review gave her. :P

  25. Jem

    28 Jan at 12:37 pm

    There’s no such thing as bad publicity Amanda ;)

  26. ^ She could of totally used it to her advantage. New layout. Better coding. Remove crap tutorials. Add better content. Then with all the extra hits from Jem, earn some new repeat visitors. Jem does the owner ever comment here, or email you..? Especially with your posts about the site // TT.co.uk tagline? Any response by her?

  27. Jem

    28 Jan at 4:03 pm

    The only response was the original one, where we were told that anyone who wanted to hate on her (or words to that effect) should e-mail her privately. Nothing since then.. nothing to me directly.

  28. Ahh… disapointing… I’d have expected more of a bitch fest. (not because I know her, or think anything bad of her – for the record… just in general) Like I said above, if she’d cleaned up her act, sorted the site out and made use of your extra traffic, it would of worked out ok for her… Ah well… *shrugs*

  29. If she has ads, she’s probably just sitting back, not updating and watching the pennies roll in. It’s kind of sad that two years after being told each and every specific thing that’s wrong with her site she has done absolutely nothing. Then again, most people just stop caring about their websites after a few years (or even months). It’s really rare to find a personal domain that has been around for five years or more.