How to Look Like a Total Twat

Step one: Go to your local friendly coding help request forum, e.g. CodeGrrl. Staffed voluntarily, out of enjoyment of the subject matter.

Step two: Only ever post requests for help

Step three: Leave abuse — because Googling “implementing a php captcha” is too damned strenuous.

Tada! Steps complete: you now look like a cunt.


  1. What an ungrateful wench. It seems to be all about take, take, take with her. Maybe she ought to pay someone to write her a custom script to her requirements. If she doesn’t want to pay up, she should shut up.

  2. *carefully copies down notes for next time she wants to look like a douchebag*

    Thanks, Jem! :D

  3. Nice tutorial, Jem :P

  4. Is that girl for real? Is she seriously demanding that people JUMP and fix her script, which she acquired free of charge?! Someone should suggest that she tried coding her own. See how well she manages to implement antispam.

  5. Great use of the word cunt, my dear, and perfectly fitting.

    V xx

  6. Your post pwns.

    And Vixx’s post, ftw, also. :P

  7. LOL I posted and was all nice and said “well why aren’t you using a captcha?” and she demands instructions to be handed to her on a silver platter. So much for being nice.

  8. Slightly off-topic, but I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to place a captcha in my fanlistings’ join forms … I keep getting this ridiculous “headers already sent” error and I haven’t been able to find the issue. The captcha part works, but it throws errors when the form is submitted – and from experience I already know that users freak out when there’s an error message displayed, even if there’s a message below it that says “it’s okay, it was submitted successfully”.

    Anyway, people that continually ask questions that are easily found on Google really irritate me. People that want someone to hold their hand every time they need to delve into code irritate me. I’m not sure they realize that there IS a function for that thing that sits atop their shoulders beyond acting like an idiot.

  9. Gee, some people ought to realize that no one owes them a living.

    Being a coder myself, the whole process is strenuous and involves a lot of hard work, time and patience. (Especially patience.)

    *Can no longer count on ten fingers how many times she’s smacked her dearest laptop when her code refused to work*

  10. I second that Vixx’s post are awesome. “I’d do it but I’m otherwise preoccupied taking my head out of my ass”. ROFL

    “All these kids on this forum are crying for help, and no one is answering.”

    Yeah, right. You know, people like Vixx, Amelie or Jem are not giving help to anyone, ever. You all are real bitches and I hate you.

  11. :( Jem the title is kinda misleading….

    I wanted to learn to look like a total twat not a complete cunt!

    ;) haha

  12. Heather – You can’t have any HTML (no header includes or any includes that send out even a shred of text/HTML) before you start your sessions or set any cookies or anything of that sort.


    Haha. Cunt is a good word for her.

  13. Best tutorial yet!

  14. 90% of the internet population are twats anyway! :P

  15. Oh Jem. Your witty posts never fail to amuse me endlessly.

  16. *takes head out of Vixx’s butt*

    What, what’s going on here? *blinks*

    *sticks head back in*

  17. I can’t believe that girl actually had the guts to post something like that. A twat indeed, and an ungrateful one too. :/

  18. @Gabrielle : Thanks for your reply :) I looked up the problem and found out that’s why that particular error is thrown, but I can’t for the life of me figure out where this HTML/text is being outputted from – I put the captcha code before everything but a config file, which just has database details and such and no echo/print statements. I read that sometimes these particular errors can be caused by a single space or line break – so who knows where the issue is. I’ll just have to mess around with it.

    On topic: it appears that the drama in that particular thread has died down… hmm :(

  19. Don’t be silly. All those people have nothing better to do with their spare time than run around helping out other people, no matter how ungrateful. =P I kid, I kid…

    I certainly have done my share of stupid questions, and answered stupid questions, but the people who expect to be catered to ought to be hiring private helper elves. Nobody puts up with that without a fat paycheck.

  20. Ugh, people are hopeless.

    “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN HELP ME THIS INSTANT?! Why, I ought to never use this script, provided free of charge, ever again! But changing scripts would require me to do work, and I don’t want that. Rather, I shall whine instead of attempting to fix it myself. Whinewhinewhine.”

    This is why the service industry drives me NUTS. *rolls eyes*

  21. My ass has become an interthewebs celebrity. Awesome!

    V xx

  22. Hmmm… I’m wondering if I should respond to her most recent post. (The snide “A little late, aren’t we?”) But I can’t post anything until I receive the approval of at least one “top member.” To maintain the charade, one of said members has to proofread my opinion; otherwise I risk being politically incorrect, and I can’t have that! :D

  23. That’s very twatty indeed.

  24. I knew you have to blog about that twat, haha. Sometimes I love drama and I’m now hooked on the cow/fat issue. I’m looking forward for her reply!

    @ Gabrielle: You’ve been extremely kind with her. :)

  25. Yeah…that’s pretty annoying. :/

    I’m discovering the joys of internet trolls again lately…they take and take even when you’re offering a ‘free’ service and doing something out of dedication – they still complain. o___O

  26. What a bitch.

  27. Dag! For a moment I thought that someone else had _finally_ learned how to spell…

    I think the “c-word” sums it up nicely. Thank goodness there are people like Jem who are actually certified to use it when necessary. :-) It certainly _is_ necessary in this instance!