Appeal: I Need a Bag
This is a public appeal for help from all you girlies out there (and boyzies, if you’re that way inclined).
I need a new bag. I’m not talking a hand bag, or a clutch bag (I’m still not even sure I know what one of those is) and I’m definitely not talking a colostomy bag. I need a general purpose, fit for anything sort of bag because the one I’ve got, I’ve had since I was about 15 (that’s 6 years boys and girls) and it’s falling apart.
It needs to have pockets for all my crap (my USB drive, spare change, plasters and painkillers, etc) and it needs to be able to fit in my A5 spiral-bound work notebook. Along with this is needs to fit my purse/wallet thing, and my mobile phone if I can a) remember where it is, b) remember how to work it and c) remember to charge the thing. Preferably, it would need to fit my Nintendo DS in it too. However, it can’t be too big and bulky because that would defeat the point of this bag.
Bear in mind I’m in the UK, so any online shops would need to ship here, and that I am a cheap bastard so wouldn’t want to spend much on it. So, any ideas ladies? (If you post links, please use tinyurl to prevent stretching!)
Jem said:
On 05 Dec at 10:43 pm
Jesus Christ, I used far too many parenthesis in this post.
Amanda said:
On 05 Dec at 11:04 pm
I can’t praise Crumpler bags enough. They’re durable and light-weight, and really are designed to fit perfectly around any shape of body. Fairly pricey, but if you’re using it daily, then it’s well worth it. Unsure as to whether they ship overseas, but I do know that they’re available via Amazon as well.
Amanda said:
On 05 Dec at 11:06 pm
Oh, and this is the quintessential clutch bag. :)
Hayley said:
On 05 Dec at 11:19 pm
I was going to suggest Crumpler too. Most of the designs come in multiple sizes and multiple colours. They’ve got tons of nifty pockets and they won’t break if you pack them full of stuff and then slam the car door on them (my camera didn’t break either). They’re widely available from online UK sellers. I generally get mine (I have two camera cases, a camera bag and an old messenger bag…and I need a new one to fit a bigger laptop…) from eBay (for cheapness but they’re not always cheaper), (who I bought my camera from) or but you can buy direct at
Jenn said:
On 05 Dec at 11:31 pm
I have a timbuk2 and absolutely love it. Nice and waterproof. I second Amanda’s Crumpler suggestion as well. Either bag would be great. Crumplers seems to be such an awkward shape though. I would think it’s difficult to fit things in using and sort of organization. I prefer the traditional shape of the timbuk2.
Stephanie said:
On 06 Dec at 1:21 am
LeSportsac -it’s a bit more on the expensive side, but they’re so cute, versatile, and they have so many patterns =] Perhaps one of their travel totes?
Meggan said:
On 06 Dec at 2:09 am
I heart Timbuk2 bags – I have a couple of them and they are super sturdy. Their site says they do ship internationally (they are US based) but, um, I think their shipping rates might be astronomical. But hey, our dollar sucks right now so it might not be that bad. They come in a bunch of different colors and styles. None of the ones I have are specifically laptop bags, but one of them does fit my laptop if I need it to, it’s just hard to fit much else as well. I’d definitely get one of the laptop ones if you will be carrying it and some other things also.
Maja said:
On 06 Dec at 2:30 am
have a look at jessica’s latest blog entry @
Jessica said:
On 06 Dec at 3:52 am
Please read my latest blog, Jem! (it says DEAR JEM…) Thanks.
Lydia said:
On 06 Dec at 4:13 am
Forever21 is a great store that has just about everything–including handbags. However, I’m not sure if they ship to the UK…Their website is worth a look, though.
Jordie said:
On 06 Dec at 5:24 am
Like… a tote bag? I got nothin’. I rarely carry bags since my camo trousers have pockets everywhere.
Adastra said:
On 06 Dec at 6:24 am
I have one of those Army bags – they are plain and useful. Usually they cost around 10€, you can get them at any army shop or at music merchandisers. They come in black, camouflage or olive and there are two sizes – the bigger ones are better…. Here’s a picture:
Renee said:
On 06 Dec at 7:04 am
Well, there’s a 3 for $10 deal here: It is random though. I’m going to try it one of these times to see what I get. Not sure if they do international shipping… Perhaps a smallish backpack or messenger bag?
Mumblies said:
On 06 Dec at 7:20 am
Will I do ? Oh no… you are after a new bag, not an old one hehe. I will look and see what i can find and let you know Jem :o)
McKenna said:
On 06 Dec at 8:30 am
Good luck finding a bag! I wish I knew a store I could recommend to you, but alas, I cannot think of one…probably because I haven’t bought an all-purpose bag in several years, because I 1. Would rather spend money on books, 2. Have several large purses that usually hold most of my crap, and 3. Have a really cute tote-like bag with My Little Ponies dancing across the bottom of it! ^^ Yes, I know, childish…but I love MLP! Heh. They’re just so cute and…. Ok, enough pony talk. I can totally relate to: “c) remember to charge the thing” because I do the same thing! =o) I also rarely use my cell phone…I always forget I own it. I grab for the cordless phone and halfway through the conversation realize I could’ve just used my cell…oh well. My cellphone is for safety purposes, mainly. (All though it isn’t providing me with much ‘safety’ when I don’t charge it frequently….)
Tanya said:
On 06 Dec at 8:34 am
How about this one?
Sanne said:
On 06 Dec at 8:49 am
I’m sure you will love Crumpler Bags: They come in all sizes and colors and the material is really strong. It has lots of small places to put in things like your USB-stick and phone and some bags have a ‘third leg’ which makes it easier to wear. I really recommend these bags :) (some bags have also extra compartments for laptops, even though the bags don’t look like laptop-bags)
Jem said:
On 06 Dec at 8:58 am
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! :D
Anthony said:
On 06 Dec at 10:32 am
I would fifteenth (or whatever it is) Crumpler. They’re bags that are extremely well thought out, they’re pretty much indestructible, they look nice, their labels are funny, and the company seems cool too. In their US stores they had a beer-for-bags rally. You could take a 2 crates of beer and they’d give you a bag. There was a currency system and everything. They then had a big party with all the beer. I like that in a company. I’ve got two bags, both are brilliant. My current main bag is the Cheesy Disco. It lugs my MacBook Pro, cables, an unused PDA thing, my A4 gridded sketchbook and lots of other bits with plenty of pockets to spare. This site – – seem to have loads a very reasonable prices.
B. said:
On 06 Dec at 11:09 am
Stephanie said:
On 06 Dec at 2:40 pm
i second the other stephanie’s vote for lesportsac…. i know you’re not looking to spend much, but they are incredibly durable. my mom has a lesportsac bag she bought back in the early nineties that is still kickin’ it. all you need to do is drop it in the wash and run. and they dry incredibly fast, so you take it out of the wash, put it in the dryer for 5-10 minutes, and you’re set to go. they’re amazing and it will last you forever, plus they’re great about their pockets :D it’s better than spending $15 every couple of years.
Claire said:
On 06 Dec at 2:48 pm
I’m another reader that hearts Crumpler – you NEED a Crumpler bag – everyone does. I currently own a “Stamp Claimer”, a “Ben’s Pizza XXXL” for my camera gear and a “Big Little Thing” for my iPod. “The Boiler” is on my ME WANTEE list for Xmas. Get Crumpler. You know you want to.
Rachael said:
On 06 Dec at 4:04 pm
I have a giraffe backpack you can buy if you’d like… It’s so adorable. ^__^
Brenda said:
On 07 Dec at 3:56 pm
I’ll vote for Crumpler. (: I currently have three, and I am really in love with them all. Really durable, has loads of compartments, and even strong enough to fit a laptop within!
Jenny said:
On 07 Dec at 5:56 pm
I have a bag that I use for a purse and diaper bag but it’s a messenger bag. you should check out one of those.
Sophie said:
On 07 Dec at 11:56 pm
Yes, yes and yes!! Crumpler bags for the win!!
Helen said:
On 10 Dec at 3:46 pm
I personally love my Kipling Defea, but if it’s not the kind of bag you want, Kipling make all kinds of cool funkyness (and they come with a furry monkey keyring). I also echo everyone else’s yells of “Crumpler!”, but they can be a tad expensive. Defea:
Rise said:
On 10 Dec at 8:55 pm
Heh. I know what ya mean. I have SO much stuff, but so little space in my HUGE bag! I’ll look for ya. Meh. I have to go now. Sorry!
Rise said:
On 10 Dec at 8:56 pm
I have a huge Dooney and Bourke bag, BTW. Mine was about £100. My boyfriend got me it. If you want Coach or Dooney and Bourke cheap, then let me know. :p I can get them in US prices, tax free, in England, genuine.
Rachel said:
On 27 Dec at 11:17 pm
It’s just gotta be Crumpler or Kipling (Kipling win in the ubercuteness stakes IMHO due to them furry ickle monkeys – ahhhh!). I’m a bit late to arrive late at the party but I’ve just crawled out from under a humungous backlog of work.