Month: May 2006

Dental Work

I had some dental work done this morning. Firstly, it meant I had to get up pre-dinner time (bastards), and secondly I ended up with several sharp objects rammed in my gob. Of course, it is my own fault for eating copious amounts of cappucino fudge bought from The Pink Sugar Mouse and not brushing […]


It’s that time again — I’m dishing out another pants award. This time it’s which, according to their meta description, will “Teach you step-by-step with easy simple php code”. Simple is the right word — completely basic, with no attempt at security what-so-ever, leaving anybody who uses some of the tutorials at great risk […]

Quick Fingers

Why is it that a pianist who can play at speed without looking at the piano keys is given the utmost respect and applause and yet when I type at my normal speed (some ridiculous amount of words a minute) without looking at my keys, it’s dismissed as geeky and sad? Is speedy touch-typing not […]

A Mixed Bag

It’ll come as no surprise to most of you that Dooce’s recent entry on potty training immediately made me think of my niece. She has, over the past few weeks, started down the road of learning to poop in her potty (Charlie, that is, not Dooce/Heather). It is quite early, from what I’ve heard, but […]

BellaBook Themes

Look: Please notice two things about this url. Firstly, the .com domain extension. OMG THE DNS HAS PROPAGATED. Excuse me *cough*. Second, the extension of #bellabook, taking you to a key section of my themes page that now features freebie BellaBook guestbook themes (skins). Tell your family and friends, people! Offline, nothing is happening […]

It Has Been Done

I’ve gone ahead and ordered through (the same people who do all of my other domains). Eeeh, how exciting! I am justifying this purchase by not renewing Review-You, as discussed earlier in the year. I can afford to do so, I just don’t see the point in renewing the domain for a site […]

New Parked Domain

What do you reckon, or (And if it helps, I’m leaning towards .com)

Toad In The Hole

Toad in the Hole is a British ‘dish’ typically made of yorkshire pudding batter and sausages and is best served with mashed potatoes and gravy. I was too lazy to do the potatoes last night though. Doesn’t it just look delicious? (Photography courtesy of wikipedia.) You can find a recipe at, but mine was […]

There’s a Toad in My Oven

Funniest interpretation of my tired mumblings ever: Me: I’ve stuck a frozen toad in the hole in the oven. Amelie: You stuck a frozen toad in your oven, just to block a hole? This post does not in any way condone cruelty to toads. I am wondering how many people will ‘get it’ though..

Happy Birthday Charlie

It’s my niece’s birthday today. Hardly feels like yesterday that I was scooping Charlotte up in my arms and watching as she opened her tiny eyes and looked at me for the first time, and yet there she was today ripping gift wrap off her hundreds of presents and chasing people around with her fairy […]