Month: March 2005

Spring is coming!

Not just fake spring either — like last month — but real spring. I woke up to bird song this morning, and saw a huge fat bumble bee on the way home tonight; zoomed right past my face. I smelled the pollen from a bank of daffodils, gazed at the blossom on a row of […]

Review of

Reviewed: Laurie Site URL: I don’t really know what my first impression of your site is. On one hand, I see the lovely background colour – that shade of blue is one of my favourites – yet at the same time there’s a great big chunk of white space which I don’t “understand”, and […]

Unrequested review of

Reviewed: Katrina Site URL: I completed this review out of sheer frustration at the lack of quality people get away with in the “reviewing world”. Firstly, you’ve created main.php instead of index, but haven’t used a redirector to make main load as the index, which means after following your URL all I get is […]

Validate, or Don’t!

I have always considered myself an observer. I watch everything — particularly people, because then I can attempt to interpret their behaviour and make little profiles in my head. I love to watch ‘weblog circles’. These are little circles of friends which all link to one another, and then someone in that circle links to […]

Elite Cliques

Let’s talk about elite cliques. No, I’m not talking about a good ol’ whinge because I haven’t been accepted (I haven’t tried recently), nor am I talking about the usual rant on how acting elite is bad (I love being elite). This is a rant/observation on cliques that think they’re elite when they’re not. At […]

Review of

Reviewed: Louise Site URL: My first impressions are that of disorganisation, and not because of your site. You put your domain under a subdomain to hide from someone and then moved it back to the main domain – yet didn’t bother to contact anyone to notify them of the URL change. The graphic notice […]