Category: WordPress

10 Micro Optimisations for a Faster WordPress Website

(Update 2019-08-07: this article is now available in Brazilian Portuguese: 10 dicas para um site WordPress mais rápido) — Website speed is a huge factor in your search engine (specifically Google) ranking: As part of that effort, today we’re including a new signal in our search ranking algorithms: site speed. Site speed reflects how quickly […]

WordCamp Europe 2019, Berlin #WCEU

I had the privilege of attending WordCamp Europe 2019 this past weekend, thanks to the team at Wordfence who flew me out there & paid for my ticket. I was very humbled to be able to take this opportunity and can’t express my gratitude enough to both Wordfence, and to the awesome WordCamp Europe team […]

The StrongMum Project

My attempts at maintaining my strength and fitness this year have been indisputably more consistent (and as a result, visible in my overall health and weight). I’ve been wanting to write more about what I get up to, but didn’t want to make this blog fitness-focused; it is supposed to be more general/personal than that. […]

Genesis column shortcodes with custom classes

(tl;dr download .zip here) I, more often than not, roll out WordPress sites these days using Genesis as my framework of choice for theme development. It’s mostly because I’m lazy, and it does a bunch of stuff for me that I can’t be bothered to do myself (which gives me more time to focus on […]

How to: make the whole WordPress excerpt clickable

A client recently asked me to make the post excerpts in their blog page clickable. This seems like a reasonable request and the logical answer (if you know your WordPress basics) is to open the relevant template file (probably index.php or home.php in this case) and wrap the_excerpt(); in <a href=”<?php the_permalink(); ?>”.. (and so […]

Pages disappear from admin after registering custom post type

As I’ve fallen foul of this twice in as many days (I must be having one of those weeks) I thought it worth mentioning in case anyone else does the same thing! When creating a custom post type, the code works as expected but suddenly the Pages disappear from their respective menu. They are still […]

Thoughts on the Genesis Framework

I’ve always been a little reluctant to use theme frameworks because learning other people’s code foibles often feels like a battle not worth fighting. However, as I’m now developing WordPress themes, plugins etc as a primary source of income, it made sense to bite the bullet and get on with it! I originally picked Genesis […]