End of an Era, Goodbye Fudge

Things have been a bit shit in the jemjabella zoo/household recently.

Firstly, we had to make the decision to re-home Pixel, the aggressive stray whom I’d hoped to integrate and ‘tame’. Ultimately she was not getting on with Fudge, and as low level dislike turned to full on fur-flying fighting and her cowering under the sofa more often than not, we had no choice.

Then, a couple of weeks ago one of our guinea pigs — Tango — died unexpectedly.

(The one on the right)

Shortly after, within days of each other, Pixel (on the day she was supposed to leave!) and Fudge both disappeared. Hoping it was spring fever and they were out catching mice and birds we posted on facebook, got in touch with local vets, scoured the streets, put up posters etc… but I remained hopeful that they would turn up on the doorstep one morning looking fat, fed and happy with themselves.

Unfortunately it was not to be, and on the way back from Shrewsbury 10k road race yesterday I had a few missed calls from a guy living at the end of the road. His sister had found a cat dead in her garden one street over the back from ours. I knew it was Fudge before I even saw the body. It felt like a massive kick in the gut.

Pixel is nowhere to be seen, but given the length of her disappearance and the spate of dead cats appearing locally recently I suspect she has gone the same way.

After losing Hex almost exactly a year ago I was determined that the last of my original “babies” would have to live until at least 20. Fudge wasn’t allowed to die. Apparently, though, it doesn’t matter how hard you want something to be true, it’s not a guarantee.

I don’t regret letting him outside. It brought him well and truly out of his shell and he had been happier in the past few years than I ever saw him prior. It might have been a shorter life than he should have had, but I’d rather it short and happy than prolonged and constantly wanting something more.

And so here we are… 3 cats. It doesn’t seem anywhere near enough.

7 comments so far

  1. Melissa said:
    On 20 Mar at 4:12 pm

    Rest in peace, Fudge, Tango, and (hopefully not) Pixel. <3 It's always been obvious to me how much you love your animals and how wonderfully full their lives are! *hugs*

  2. Bec @IshMotherBec said:
    On 20 Mar at 7:26 pm

    I’m so sorry for your losses, I know how upsetting it is for a pet to die and it must be doubly horrible when they go unexpectedly. If it’s any comfort my friends’ cat turned up after a month yesterday, so all is not lost, hopefully Pixel will come back​soon.

  3. Dee said:
    On 21 Mar at 5:52 am

    They look like such adorable cats (and guinea pig). My condolences to you and the family for your loss

  4. MrsB @ Mind over Matter said:
    On 21 Mar at 8:35 am

    That is really terrible news :( I’m so sorry.

  5. Chantelle said:
    On 21 Mar at 4:20 pm

    I’m very sorry about this. :( I wish your other pets very long lives and hope you find Pixel.

  6. Medli said:
    On 26 Mar at 12:28 am

    I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is never easy. Prayers and hugs are being sent your way.

  7. Jenni said:
    On 05 Apr at 10:26 am

    I’m so sorry to hear of your loss, Jem – I can’t even imagine how traumatising that whole ordeal must have been. Many hugs x