Once upon a time I spent many, many hours imparting my wisdom on a range of topics – from web development to security, breastfeeding to working from home as a parent and a huge variety of things in between.

Unfortunately I seem to have got sucked into using my blog as an outlet for my whines and moans which, while cathartic, is not really conducive to entertaining and educating my readers. So! Ask me anything. Ask me about building websites, ask me about teaching myself PHP and WordPress, ask me about being a single parent, ask me about dealing with being self-employed with a mortgage and 2 kids to feed, ask me about owning a million animals, ask me about relationships and workouts and running and all the things… ask me about ANYTHING.


8 comments so far

  1. Aisling said:
    On 18 Nov at 6:31 pm


  2. Melissa said:
    On 18 Nov at 7:06 pm

    Can you provide a comprehensive list of all your animals with names + types + breeds? And also how you manage your litter box organization! ^_^

  3. Katy said:
    On 21 Nov at 12:56 pm

    have you read any good books recently?
    what are your top 3 resources for web/WP development?
    how many cats is too many cats?

  4. Amelie said:
    On 21 Nov at 1:08 pm

    Which is your favourite type of pet of all those that you have?
    What’s been your favourite new thing you’ve done this year?
    Do you have any must-do plans (not including work-related) for 2017?

  5. Kelly said:
    On 21 Nov at 1:23 pm

    What gets you out of a funk?

    You have written a lot about your problems (no judgement, an observation only). I am kind of intrigued what gets you out of the dips.

    Your story has similarities to my own so am kind of intrigued how your brain works.

    • Kelly said:
      On 21 Nov at 1:25 pm

      God, that was a poorly worded statement. Apologies (*internally blames migraine*).