
Not dead

Too hot

Boxes everywhere

Kids snotty

Massive workload


4 comments so far

  1. Meggan said:
    On 30 Jun at 10:28 pm

    Too hot and boxes everywhere here too! Aggghhhh is right.

  2. Trisha said:
    On 01 Jul at 3:54 am

    Hang in there!

  3. Katherine said:
    On 01 Jul at 12:03 pm

    Sexy shorts.
    Build a fort and snuggle in it.
    Put a no kids allowed sign on it.
    Tea and Coffee.
    You are loved.

  4. Tara said:
    On 04 Jul at 10:01 am

    Too hot is right! T___T It seems like the heatwave is going everywhere! Even in places that normally doesn’t get heatwave!

    And ah, boxes. I remember being in Boxhell when I was packing and unpacking for a move that never happened! XD