Well I cocked that up

So much for NaBloPoMo.

Oliver’s poorly, and that threw me for six over the weekend (honest guv) because he was un-put-down-able. You know, as kids do when they’re full of snot and all gross and sticky.

Normal service will resume tomorrow. Maybe.

3 comments so far

  1. Kayla said:
    On 17 Nov at 8:22 am

    Sorry to hear Oliver hasn’t been well, kids being sick makes me sad :(
    Completely unrelated but my partner and I have recently been thinking of Oliver as a future baby name!

  2. Kya said:
    On 18 Nov at 1:29 pm

    :( I hope he feels better very soon!

  3. Mumblies said:
    On 20 Nov at 12:57 pm

    Poor little chap, do hope he’s better soon *hugs*