
I’ve been working on this during every spare moment since my Scrap or Save post

Unfortunately, what with Oliver’s ridiculous sleep habits of late and an abundance of work, spare moments have been few and far between. I’ve been snatching time which would otherwise be wasted: journeys in the car (when I’m a passenger!) and as 10 minutes downtime before I sleep at night (to ‘switch off’ after having spent all evening at the screen).

Still, I’m really quite pleased with it. It was a bit of an on-a-whim project; & I’ve only made a few mistakes which is nice :) It’s going to be for my bed, which is a super king, so quite a way to go before it’s finished…

9 comments so far

  1. Aisling said:
    On 28 Nov at 4:52 pm


    I’ve just recently learned to knit, but it will be a loooong time before I’m able to do anything cool. :(

    • Jem said:
      On 28 Nov at 4:54 pm

      You should see it when it’s not in a badly lit front room – the photo sucks. It’s so vibrant in RL. :D

  2. Medli said:
    On 28 Nov at 5:15 pm

    That is really pretty. Great job. I have tried to make a blanket for my bed, but alwasy lost motivation. Great job on keeping that motivation. Looks amazing!

    • Jem said:
      On 28 Nov at 6:17 pm

      Thanks <3 I usually always lose motivation too. Prior to this my last 'proper' project was a blanket for my nephew's birth... he turned 7 this year and it's still not finished.

  3. Katy said:
    On 28 Nov at 8:28 pm

    wow, pretty! but what are the chances of it actually staying on your bed, rather than being squirreled away by your daughter?

  4. Hanna said:
    On 28 Nov at 8:29 pm

    Wohoo! You will get there and it will look awesome!

  5. Erin said:
    On 29 Nov at 12:23 am

    It looks so vibrant and comfy! =D I’m sure it’ll be great when it’s all finished. But a super king… yikes. That means a BIG blanket!

  6. Manda said:
    On 29 Nov at 3:35 am

    Ooh, I love the vibrant colors! I’m working on a blanket too and using ombred yarn for changes in color – I find that different colors adds some excitement to a project as big as a blanket :P

  7. mumblies said:
    On 29 Nov at 9:58 am

    It looks great :o) and should be lovely and toasty warm when you do get it finished.