Mail Form V2.1.2

Version 2.1.2 of my mail form has now been released, fixing the bug preventing spaces in the name field.

6 comments so far

  1. Nyx said:
    On 18 Jan at 8:25 pm

    Thank you so much! Your stuff is the best :)

  2. Lisa said:
    On 19 Jan at 6:14 pm

    I used your form mail which was great, however, I’m extremely new to this, I changed what you said to change, added my own form code, but now I need to know how to make the submit button actually get the form to my email inbox.

    I changed the following as required….


    $yourEmail = “{removed}”; // the email address you wish to receive these mails through
    $yourWebsite = “Octopress Ink”; // the name of your website
    $thanksPage = ”; // URL to ‘thanks for sending mail’ page; leave empty to keep message on the same page
    $maxPoints = 4; // max points a person can hit before it refuses to submit – recommend 4


    And although I get the “thank you, your message has been sent” after I click submit, I have yet to see any of the tests I submitted in my email inbox/or spam box.

    Where do I upload this orders.php file to in order to get this to actually work on my site?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  3. Jem said:
    On 19 Jan at 7:09 pm

    Hi Lisa – it doesn’t need to go in a special location or anything, as long as you have PHP (which you must have, otherwise you wouldn’t see the thanks message) then it will work. Have you checked to make sure the submission hasn’t gone to your junk email? Have you checked that your host allows the mail() function? (If you tell me you host I can probably find this out for you.)

    PS. I removed your email address just in case it gets picked up by spammers :)

  4. AA said:
    On 27 Jan at 8:52 pm

    Hi – I’m trying out your script for a site and I keep getting an error message at the top of the page and can’t figure out why. I thought it might be that the send to email wasn’t the same domain as the website, so I changed to one that is and I still get the same message…help?

    In reading the above comment – the webhost is and they’re on a Linux server.

    My error:

    Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 553 5.3.0 … DISCARD Spam Relay in \HOSTINGDFS211772137289771usersiteschaverware.comwwwcontactrequestinfo_new.php on line 189

  5. Jem said:
    On 03 Feb at 8:58 am

    I’m afraid this is likely to be a problem with your hosts server configuration – you will need to get in to with

  6. Dana said:
    On 27 Feb at 9:41 pm

    Hi Jem,
    your script works great, however, I have a slight problem with it. When error occurs (required fields are not filled in), the page reloads and all the data from the form is lost. I’d like to ask if it’s possible to keep the data there in case of error. I have a pretty long form (I’m using it also for other purposes) and I can imagine it would be frustrating to have all that data gone and people would think twice about filling it out the second time. Could you please give me an advice? Thank you!