Easily Amused

We took Isabel to a local farm on Saturday. She was most entertained by:

a) a pigeon
b) a cement mixer
c) headbutting a sheep (as in, she butted heads with the sheep through the fence … this is her way of greeting animals; obviously I’ve let the cats raise my child)

I don’t know why we bothered paying to go in, we could’ve got all that at home.


  1. That’s brilliant!

  2. Haha, brilliant indeed. This has to be one of my favourite entries ever. Your daughter is awesome! <3

  3. …you have sheep at home? :P

  4. Jem

    30 Mar at 8:34 am

    @Amanda: Karl’s mum lives next to fields full of them

  5. It sounds like your cats have done pretty good work with Izz then. :P

    /me smiles :D

  6. Oooh so THAT’s why you have 3 cats: cheap baby sitters/nannies. *nodnodnod*

  7. I’m sure it is the same with toys…
    Just give a child some plastic containers and a spatula, sit back and watch them play all day…HAPPILY. LOL