
To keep me on the ball while I was enjoying my extended maternity leave last year, I volunteered my services to Mumsnet regular and owner/blogger ‘Aitch’. Aitch was fed up of being unable to update her existing website, based on a Joomla backend, and had not blogged in several years. The site was falling into disrepair and visitor traffic was being wasted.

I suggested WordPress to Aitch as a user-friendly and easily extendible content management system. Following a nod of approval, the original blog data was imported and the pages built around original Joomla content. I converted the site style to a WordPress theme, built features into bespoke widgets and linked all of the pages together.

Following an early new year release, I agreed to get BabyLedWeaning ‘out there’ and so began creating a social media profile on Twitter and Facebook. The site’s popularity did the rest of the work for me and within 24 hours of release, the Twitter/Facebook followers were in triple figures!

Going forward, I plan on creating and integrating a custom plugin to allow regulars to submit and update their own recipes which should boost the content and pull in visitors from outside of the current site niche. Working with Aitch and the baby led weaning site has been a pleasure, long may it continue…

One comment so far

  1. aitch said:
    On 17 Jan at 11:34 am

    gawd bless yer, kind lady. ;-D