Your Questions Answered, Part One
So. You know you have a big case of the lazies when you procrastinate over the original procrastination thingy. Now I’m here avoiding some JavaScript which is currently eating my brains.
Vera asked: When’s the next Pants Award due?
When I find a suitable site that inspires me… bored of teenyboppers now.
Amelie asked: If there was one thing you could invent that would make parenting easier, what would it be?
I don’t know. See, I think that ‘things’ make parenting harder, not easier. Cots and chairs and toys all add pressure… when do we give this, when should we take this away, how do I introduce that without upsetting this etc etc. (I actually have a blog post about this sort of thing in the works which I will post eventually). I guess I don’t need something inventing, but there are plenty of ‘politic-y’ things that could change to make parenting easier. Maternity leave and pay, support for new mums etc. All far too boring to get into now :P
Carly asked: What’s your favourite website in the whole wide world and why?
This is really sad [pathetic] but I think I have to say twitter. I never expected to say it, ’cause I’ve always been mostly against social media forever… but it makes it so easy to talk to so many people. It’s not like facebook where you have to exchange pleasantries over boring pictures of someone’s family (esp. if they’re your own!)/pets/hobby just to be polite, you can dip in and out as much as you like. I ‘know’ so many awesome people thanks to/via twitter.
OK, that’s it for now… typing one-handed makes my wrist ache. More soon :p
Hev said:
On 03 Nov at 10:08 pm
Even I agree that there needs to be more ‘politic-y’ things done for mothers, but then you those like me that don’t have children that have to cover for the mothers. Where are our benefits? At least that is the argument that they scream over here.
Jem said:
On 03 Nov at 10:15 pm
I’d be happy to offer you breastfeeding support too Hev (the kind of thing I was talking about)… :p
Carly said:
On 03 Nov at 10:23 pm
Thanks for answering my question! I have gotta agree when it comes to Twitter – especially since living on my own. When I’ve got no work on, I love #commschat on a Monday, I like reading all the SEO news and chatting with @rhyswynne and the like…
I probably spent most of my online time on Twitter, actually – even if I don’t post bucket loads, I read a lot of stuff in my stream – I think it’s invaluable when you follow people in your niche/interest area/industry.
Look forward to the next lot of Question/Answers!
Vera said:
On 04 Nov at 4:03 pm
*sighs* You’re such a party-popper. :P
But yeah, teeny boppers get boring after all these years…
Stephanie said:
On 04 Nov at 4:15 pm
Julia said:
On 04 Nov at 9:07 pm
I do miss the pants awards.
Also, twitter is something I never saw myself getting into, but I’ve noticed that because of I’ve carefully chosen who I follow, it’s probably the most interesting website that I’ll log into on a daily basis simply because it gives me links to content that really does interest me, and it’s not as intense as a google reader.
Georgina said:
On 07 Nov at 4:52 am
Twitter, who knew! 8D I think Twitter is great. There are so many people who tell me it’s useless and that Facebook is better. I don’t hate Facebook; I just don’t have one and don’t see why I would need one, but it irks me when people tell me how pointless Twitter is and then tell me they’ve never used it but it "sounds stupid".
I actually think it’s a great way of keeping in touch with people; it’s quick and easy and seems to fit my needs more. It’s easier to find people and look through trending topics and what people in general are talking about.