Ask Me a Question
I’m procrastinating taking a break from studying… so ask me a question. Deep and meaningful, personal, web-related, whatever. Go!
I’ll answer them in a post or two over the next few days (depending on how many I get)
I’m procrastinating taking a break from studying… so ask me a question. Deep and meaningful, personal, web-related, whatever. Go!
I’ll answer them in a post or two over the next few days (depending on how many I get)
Vera said:
On 25 Oct at 8:21 pm
Oooh memememe! When’s the next Pants Award due? Please don’t say they’ve been discontinued. :S
Hanna said:
On 25 Oct at 8:37 pm
You and me? You know… when I one day visit UK ;)
Amelie said:
On 25 Oct at 8:40 pm
Do you like pie? :P
Ok no, serious question. If there was one thing you could invent that would make parenting easier, what would it be? And no, a pause button isn’t allowed :P
Carly said:
On 25 Oct at 8:43 pm
What’s your favourite website in the whole wide world and why? (It can’t be any of your own, or the Qbee.)
Ben said:
On 25 Oct at 8:58 pm
Are you actually a man? If so, will you marry me?
On a more serious note – what was the very first thing that you did which got you into web development?
Hev said:
On 25 Oct at 9:17 pm
Hmm…a question. If you could change one thing in you life, either past or current, what would it be?
Stephanie said:
On 25 Oct at 11:01 pm
How hard would it be to implement a tagging function and a category/tag filter functionality into NinjaLinks?
I know that you probably don’t have time, and I probably don’t either, but that would make a really really useful script for a little web project that I’d like to do.
Meggan said:
On 25 Oct at 11:16 pm
What do you worry most about w/r/t returning to work?
Soph- said:
On 25 Oct at 11:24 pm
Where did you learn PHP? You have amazing coding skills, I’m so jealous ahahaha :)
Audrey said:
On 26 Oct at 1:21 am
Is this really an exercise in our patience as readers and a means to frustrate us by leaving us hanging with no responses? ;b
Real one: Are you ever tempted to put your true/unmasked visage on the web? (I understand why you don’t, my face isn’t on the web either, to be clear.)
Chie said:
On 26 Oct at 2:11 am
I used to be into web design in the early 00’s (back when it wasn’t really a cool thing IRL; lol), but I fell off the wagon and I’m interested in getting back on again. The problem is my knowledge of web standards is outdated, so I was wondering if you have any tips on where to start ?
Kitty said:
On 26 Oct at 7:48 am
I’ve got a question!
What was your first website called and what purpose did it serve? ;)
Karl said:
On 26 Oct at 9:19 am
When am I next getting a legover?
Jess said:
On 26 Oct at 3:01 pm
You’re a well-versed and known PHP programmer. As someone whose by no means an expert, I yield up to you the question of, is it better to program in regular PHP (functions, variables, etc.) or is there some big perfection point to programming using objects and classes? I once got nailed for how I code; I don’t use OOP.
Naomi said:
On 26 Oct at 3:11 pm
Where do you see yourself and what doing in 10 years?
Cristina said:
On 26 Oct at 6:02 pm
How come you and Karl haven’t gotten married?
Stephanie said:
On 26 Oct at 8:42 pm
For as long as I’ve known you, you’ve always said you never wanted kids. Now that you have Izzy, do you think you’ll have more children?
Michelle said:
On 27 Oct at 11:23 pm
What was your favorite book as a child?
Val Garner said:
On 28 Oct at 12:01 am
How has new parenthood changed your life the most?
Sophie said:
On 28 Oct at 7:10 pm
I have always admired your pro skills with PHP and MySQL, and I was wondering how did you learn them at first? I find them so hard to grasp and even though I have a couple books at home to learn them, I can never figure out the logic behind programming and the like. Do you have any tips?
Kristina said:
On 29 Oct at 8:47 am
Chavvy mothers: discuss.
Stephanie said:
On 29 Oct at 6:29 pm
When do you plan on answering these questions? :P
Rhys said:
On 30 Oct at 10:20 am
Boxers or briefs?
Georgina said:
On 31 Oct at 12:26 am
Do you like sushi? Do you have a favourite kind? :P
Lauren said:
On 31 Oct at 1:25 pm
How did you get into web design/development? Was there a certain website that inspired you or was it self motivated?
Arwen said:
On 02 Nov at 1:23 pm
Georgina stole my question. XD
How many countries have you visited? Which ones would you like to visit?
Phi said:
On 02 Nov at 6:21 pm
What do you think of the design community today?
Claire said:
On 04 Nov at 12:45 pm
Hope I’m not too late!
This question is related to/an extension of Naomi’s question:
In the past, I have used to send myself emails about where I’d like to be/what I think I will be doing in the future.
A few years ago, what did you think you’d be doing now? And how is the reality different? Has it turned out better than you thought? With this in mind, what do you wish for yourself and your family in the future?
Rhys said:
On 15 Nov at 3:54 pm
If you had to choose between:-
– Using IE for the rest of your life.
– Bottle feeding Isabell/Future 2nd Born with Nestle formula milk.
Which would you choose?