The Cat Hotel

I’ve come to the conclusion that my house has been turned into a cat hotel.

Hex is currently holding a conversation with Fudge through the back bedroom door, where Fudge is kept when he’s not being directly supervised. Fudge has food delivered like room service, and Hex has taken to eating upstairs on the landing.

Mr Scruffy makes in an almost-daily appearance to eat the dry food I leave out for him, and is growing, which is a good sign. He’s quite skinny but I believe he helped himself to a still-warm kamikaze pigeon which crash landed after flying into my washing line this week.

My neighbour’s cat — which I think is a Maine Coone — spends most of the day sunning itself on our paved patio. I’m sure the access to nesting birds a plenty has something to do with that, although it’s so huge it seems to have difficulty running up the trees.

Last but not least, a cat which I believe lives down the road put in an appearance tonight to polish off the rest of Mr Scruffy’s biscuits, and is almost identical in size and colouring to Hex. The only real distinguishing feature is his tail, which is shorter and skinnier than my lovely boy.

If I wasn’t so amused, I’d be somewhat worried about attracting the label of mad cat lady or something along those lines :P


  1. *screams, laughs and points while saying “IT’S AN OLD CAT LADY!”*

    There’s this girl in my class and she’s obsessed with cats, but she doesn’t even have one. She “has” Mr. Fluffy and he doesn’t like anyone, but her.

  2. Least the cats are happy, as it seems. I’ve got psychedelic cats in my area.

    Maybe you should call your house “The Cat Hotel”. It would make an interesting address. :P

  3. Well if they start nibbling on your extremities, be sure to let us know. ;-)

  4. Aww poor Mr. Scruffy! He looks like a reverse version of my cat (she’s white where he is black). Does he only have one eye, or is it just that photo?
    Oh well, at least you know the neighbour’s cat has a home and is being fed. I’ve never seen a Maine Coone before, I don’t think they’re a very common breed over here. He looks cuddly though. So fluffy. :O

  5. Ahh Jem, sitting in her rocking chair with her 20 cats.

  6. You’re not a mad cat lady, you’re living with Karl. :P

  7. Think, maybe some blogger is actually writing about you as the mad cat lady of their neighbourhood from across the street!

    But there’s no need to worry! You’d only be a mad cat lady if you made rock hard cakes to boot and were asked to babysit by a neighbour every other night!

  8. Give it a few more decades, and a couple more cats. Then officially crown yourself the neighborhood’s crazy old cat lady.

  9. I’d love to attract all cats. They know there’s good food around. And ninja skillz.

    Mr. Scruffy is cuuuute. *pets*

  10. That’s how we adopted our cats.
    Abandonment that led to us feeding them, then love, pet, love, pet.
    Migrate indoors.

  11. Sounds like you just have the prime retail and the cats know it. Maybe it is now the meeting place for an underground kitty cult? Those birds better watch their wings.

  12. If you’re not a spinster, I think it’s OK to have that many cats… XP
    Whoa! Your neighbor’s cat is a huge ball of fluff.

  13. Haha :) I did say that if you fed the stray kitty he would keep coming back, and eventually bring along all of his mates. Still, look at it this way Jem…maybe you are just a catmagnet? Besides you can’t be classed as an ‘old’ mad cat lady yet…you have years to go yet lol. Glad to hear that Fudge continues to build on his relationship with Hex.

  14. Maybe you’re destiny is to become an old hag with twenty cats, not a 1337 PHP ninja (although, I don’t know what I’ll do without your 1337 skills). :lol:

    Mr. Scruffy looks so cute! He makes me wanna have a cat!

  15. That big maine coone kitty is BEAUTIFUL. All he needs is a bit of time with a brush. =)

    Which leads me to a weird idea. I bet all the kittehs blog about your place. Jem’s Kitteh Hotel and Resort: Come Take A Nibble and Relax.

  16. That’s nice of you to leave out food for Mr. Scruffy. Most people wouldn’t bother, or maybe just the people around where I live are mean. Those cats are cute though :)

  17. Aw, but kitties are cute! The more the merrier (as long as it doesn’t start to smell).

  18. I know the feeling. We have 3 or 4 cats that live outside our apartment complex. We make sure to keep them and our 2 cats fed.

  19. Next you’ll admit you knit! Or crochet…wait.

  20. aww, I love the pictures ^.^
    we have an all black cat who
    roams the neighborhood, that I always feed..
    it upsets my fiance, so I sneak him some
    kitty food when Jeff is at work

  21. Too cute! There are certainly worse things to be than a Cat Hotel. :)

  22. lol :) I havent been here in a while and you’ve turned into a cat lady! well… the thing about cats… is that they kinda adopt you and not vice versa ^^ I just hope Hex is ok w/ all the people on his territory.

  23. ha ha i don’t think i have commented in a while *sighs*, but ‘the neighbors cat’ is soooo FLUFFY!!!! it’s so adorable!

  24. Hi Jem, followed link to your blog from .net.
    You are definitely in danger of becoming known as Mad Cat Woman. We board up to 60 cats in our cattery and also have 2 of our own. When I told our local Cats Protection manager that I wanted to home all cats I see she warned me that any more than 2 puts you in the Mad Cat Lady category. You have been warned!!

    You’ll have to keep Fudge & Hex wormed every 3 months as the signs of unwanted visitors are difficult to spot and are not nice for humans either. Prevention is the best option. :-)

  25. :D This sounds sooooo familiar… and as I write this Oscar is snoring away in my blinking computer chair while I use the crappy one… Ah well… Gotta love em..