Jem fanlisting

The Jem fanlisting has a new home :)

6 comments so far

  1. Josh said:
    On 14 Apr at 8:53 pm

    Shouldn’t the “Jemjabella” link over there have a www. in it?

  2. Julie said:
    On 14 Apr at 8:57 pm

    Can I use some Hex pictures to make codes for the fanlisting? Puh-lease? :D

  3. Jem said:
    On 14 Apr at 8:58 pm

    @Josh: it doesn’t matter, it’ll redirect :)

    @Julie: sure! There’s some in here: or if you want bigger pics, let me know.

  4. Vera said:
    On 15 Apr at 3:50 am

    I can add the www if you want. I’m just used to linking you without it.

  5. Shannon said:
    On 15 Apr at 7:04 am

    @Vera: You should probably check your font coloring for the table cells. They’re the same color as the background and are quite illegible. Most notable on the “members” page.

  6. Vera said:
    On 15 Apr at 3:13 pm

    Shannon: done. Sorry about that, I was half asleep last night.