Bloody Politics
Tory leader David Cameron has said his party must do more to keep families together, as a report suggests parental splits are creating an underclass.
What bollocks. I’m not an “underclass” because my parents split, I’m an underclass because it’s better than being a toffee-nosed snob with my head stuck up my arse. I would rather be an “underclass” if it means being true to myself than having to conform to some socially acceptable “nice guy” routine just so I don’t piss people off, or appear corrupted because of my “broken home” and upbringing. It doesn’t affect my intelligence, my ability to complete mundane daily tasks or how I pay my taxes so what business is it of the government what “class” I am?
..and you know where to stick it if you don’t like it — up your upperclass arse.
Karl said:
On 11 Dec at 11:16 pm
Now, now….while ’tis true that Jem is lower class than I, there is no point in getting annoyed about it…heh. One must remain calm and recite “Government is stupid” until this passes. I myself am superior and upper class enough for us both, never fear. I think I’ll just run away right now, before you beat me, shall I? ;)
Jem said:
On 11 Dec at 11:16 pm
Suck my balls, cockface.
Karl said:
On 11 Dec at 11:18 pm
lower class, AND male? Dear me…! :)
Aaron said:
On 11 Dec at 11:20 pm
Well said!
Mike Haddad said:
On 11 Dec at 11:37 pm
I’m wish I wasn’t underclass.
Hillarie said:
On 11 Dec at 11:53 pm
Yeah, politics suck. That’s why there is a problem in America (people don’t vote, then they complain about who won). Nobody’s completely honest, and it is awful! ‘Underclass’ is different to other people.
Ang said:
On 11 Dec at 11:55 pm
Sooo… parents should stay together even if they hate each other? For the sake of the kids? That seems counterproductive, as anyone from a “broken home” knows it’s worse if the home is a war zone than if it were separated and more peaceful. This guy is an idiot.
Dave said:
On 11 Dec at 11:58 pm
Ah come on it’s the Tories. They talk even more shite than me! No doubt David has just been told it’s time to change colour again.
Corinne said:
On 12 Dec at 12:10 am
I had written a comment, but I decided that it would be too long to post, so I just posted it at my site. I have to say that despite the problems that come with the government trying to interfere in families, there is an actual benefit to it, and I’m not completely opposed. If you care about what I wrote, it’s here:
Jordie said:
On 12 Dec at 1:55 am
Communism ftw?
Stephen said:
On 12 Dec at 3:01 am
Bloody proles, you’re all alike. Moan moan moan and then you go on strike because you don’t like us forcing your children to work 12 hour days in the pit! Too bad for you underclasses! I’m off to play on my Wii with the other muckity-mucks – you don’t have one because you’re from a broken home. Pthb!
Riitta said:
On 12 Dec at 6:18 am
Haha, I so cracked up at that. I’m way too easily amused…
Carina said:
On 12 Dec at 6:36 am
I’m sick of snotty bloggers who act like everybody who has divorced parents are rebellious little punks. “My parents are not divorced, this makes me upper class” Actually my mom won’t buy glasses for me, she’s making me wait until I visit my father so he can buy them for me. We are not lower class. We’re just cheap.
Mumblies said:
On 12 Dec at 7:29 am
So if your parents divorced that makes you “underclassed” I agree Jem, never heard so much bullcrap as that! My parents were married – No divorce for them, does that make me a higher/better class? As for ‘being underclassed makes one rebellious yet if ones folks remained married you are not’…..What poppycock! I don’t know anyone quite as rebellious as I am so that stuffs that theory right up! @ Stephen – You can get your children working down the pit for 12 hours a day ? Wow! What’s the secret hehe
Claire said:
On 12 Dec at 8:41 am
Anyone in the Tory party thought about sending him a memo telling him that it’s actually POVERTY that creates underclasses ? …Y’know, just an idea… ;)
Chans said:
On 12 Dec at 10:35 am
It sounds like they want to start forcing people to stay together, while in some cases it’s better for everyone involved when they don’t. I don’t understand how you can be underclassed just because your parents split up. It doesn’t tell anything about a person if their parents split up or not. Like you can tell from looking at someone ‘ooh their parents split up’ oh no wait sh e looks more like someone who’s parents are still together… that’s the biggest BS I’ve ever heard.
Corinne said:
On 12 Dec at 2:45 pm
I don’t think it’s POSSIBLE to force people to stay together, and it doesn’t sound like that to me. From reading that, I get the sense that they want to suggest more ways that families/married people can resolve their issues. Possibly, make it easier through funding to receive marital counseling. And, I really don’t see what’s so bad about saying, “before you make such a decision, are you sure that you have done everything that can be done to possibly resolve your issues? Do you know what divorce can possibly do to your kids? Is it not worth a little more to try just a bit harder before you change your lives forever?” They can’t make a law saying “no divorce”.
Jenny said:
On 12 Dec at 2:52 pm
I’m upperclass. Wooo. *prods Cameron*
In the Chinese society, Chinese parents usually do that – I know that my mum’s friends have usually gone down that route and then divorced and et cetera when the last child has left home for Uni or gotten married or something. I find it actually quite.. I’m not sure – but at the end of the day – the kids had their own lives to worry about than that of their parents who had already gotten over the “worst” and were already “friends who could no longer live together”..Tiddley said:
On 12 Dec at 4:04 pm
Oh I *hate* people who think parents shouldn’t split in case it messes up the kids. It’s a major pet peeve of mine. :[ Mine were never even together to start with, and I rock, honest!
Tiddley said:
On 12 Dec at 4:05 pm
Actually, change that from I hate the people, to I hate their opinions. :)
Natalie said:
On 12 Dec at 5:08 pm
uhhh…how is he supposed to get the familes to ‘stay together’? I think if you’re parents just stay together so they don’t mess you up is going to make you even more messed up than they would if they split. I’m underclass and both my parents are still together. Doesn’t he have a lot more to worry about? He’s just making even more problems! Give us a break!
Grant Mc said:
On 12 Dec at 5:46 pm
Dont even get me started but since im going to comment here it goes. Politics who even takes these ‘things’ seriously? Did you know it is no ‘politically correct’ any more to say merry Christmas, bollocks! We are meant to say Seasons Greetings WTF. Get a grip! its the same with ba ba black sheep it is now ba ba coloured sheep, yes because coloured sheep make sense.
Grant Mc said:
On 12 Dec at 5:48 pm
i would rather have 2 separate happy parents as well rather than 2 miserable one together that would definitely give me problems.
FuzzMop (Doug) said:
On 12 Dec at 8:04 pm
Now… /That’s/ what I call someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Just because you’re parents are divorced means nothing. As stated in one of the above comments… maybe it /is/ poverty from people that are too lazy to go and work and get a job. Plus… Not trying to be mean or anything (this relates to poverty, o.o), but if/when Puerto Rico joins the United States as a state, it’ll make us so poor, we won’t be a country anymore. If I stop showing up on the internets, is most likely because Puerto Rico become a state (they have very low economy and average minimum wage which will put our average minimum wage down so low, we won’t be able to afford anything) and I couldn’t afford internet, because they came here and took all of our jobs, -.-‘
Stephanie said:
On 12 Dec at 8:27 pm
I know what they mean by underclass, and what they say is true. But it’s better to be divorced than to live in an abusive house.
Shaun said:
On 12 Dec at 8:40 pm
That’s pretty selfish to want to keep people in your party together just so you can say, ‘All of my party is upperclass!’ How good does that sound along with, ‘..but they’re all unhappy because of abuse or some other domestic issue!’?
Mumblies said:
On 13 Dec at 7:38 am
I think perhaps the Tories are trying to “bolt the stable door after the horse has left” here…….(mind you, it could be construed as making them look good/kind/caring. I mean…surely more would vote for them if they appeared to be the goverenment that cared) What i am saying is, had that government, and the previous one, and so many others for so many years not been more content on screwing as much as they could out of the little people ie: raising prices/rents/taxes/making up new taxes/continually coming up with new ways to take money off the poor (and this goes for ALL countries not just the uk) then maybe a much larger portion of families would not have been put under so much pressure which eventually resulted in malcontent and then ensuing divorce. This problem has been going on for more years than anyone would care to count, the rich get richer and the poor get most definately poorer, who is to blame? the rising prices that their governments impose. I think they have left it far far too long to be able to do anything about these “underclasses” now, the damage is done and in my opinion any claims to be trying to do something for them is merely more political bulls**t propaganda
Nan said:
On 13 Dec at 1:43 pm
There is so many theory’s to why people end up in certain groups – also under and upper class. I think Jem is just “class”.
Jenny said:
On 13 Dec at 8:14 pm
Grant MC, I heard about that – I found it ridiculous (the baa baa black sheep) apparantly you’re also not ‘allowed’ to say “Brainstorm” as it is offensive to epileptics.. “brainshower” is now the correct term. I’m even more miffed off about the Christmas to “Festive”, the government are so preoccupied with trying not to offend other cultures that they’ve ended up offending their own.
Leyla said:
On 13 Dec at 8:57 pm
I agree completely.
Chrissy said:
On 14 Dec at 4:38 am
I kind of agree that more needs to be done to keep families together. People give up way too easily without seeking any kind of outside help first. But that other shit? About underclass shit? Yeah fucking right. What a cock monger.
Jennii said:
On 14 Dec at 9:41 pm
I’m a lower class! Oh I weep, I weep indeed.
L said:
On 15 Dec at 3:04 pm
I see where you’re coming from, but some kids, unfortunately, are affected by the dysfunctions of their families and these in turn, are brought on to the next generation, creating the same problems and causing more social problems, etc. I believe in keeping families together until there is no room for changes, but some, like abusive families, are better off separated. I think, though, that underclass is a generalisation & wrong word to use, because not all kids from broken homes are social outcasts or delinquents.