So not only is Krissy of a thief (see google cache of her skins page where she claims it took two hours to create a vector, then the archive of her blog entry where she was caught and had to give credit), and a beggar (anyone who’s ever been a part of her listing and received 20+ e-mails all begging for free ipod referrals can testify to this) — she’s a bullshit artist too. She’s trying to bully some young girl off the Internet by claiming that she (Krissy) copyrighted “acidgloss” and the girl, who registered acidlipgloss, is infringing on her copyright.

For starters, you don’t copyright a name, you trademark it. A quick search of the Trademark Electronic Search System shows that acidgloss hasn’t been trademarked by anyone (now or ever) and so that blows her legal standing out of the water. She goes on to state that she has grounds for taking legal action because of slander. Slander is the oral misrepresentation of a person — had the poor kid actually retaliated on her website she’d be guilty of libel (providing the “bashing” was false, of course.) Last but certainly not least, she claims she’s called a lawyer. How can anyone who has to beg for school fees on a website afford a lawyer?

Now I know I’ve been involved in my fair share of Internet drama and have caused more than one argument because of supposed Copyright Infringement but not once in my time on the Internet have I attacked someone with so much bullshit that they basically feel like they have to leave the Internet or stop updating their website completely (uh, forcing someone onto hiatus doesn’t count :P )

A bully is a bully. Bullying leads to lack of confidence and a low self esteem, and the actions of a bully are never justifiable. I was bullied at school as a kid (who wasn’t?) and no one stood up for me, so damnit – I’m going to stick up for the little guy for a change, whether it’s my place to or not.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt so annoyed at the actions of one person on the Internet before. I think I’m going to go and find some work to do before I swear or something. ;)