Please note: all of my scripts were written in the dark ages, and several don’t support PHP7. You’re welcome to fork them and update them as long as the copyright notice remains in tact, as per the GPL.

No Database ‘Bella’ Scripts

Other PHP Scripts

* Offering the FanUpdate script for free (ad-free) download only; I did not code it and will not support it.

Scripts Support

I offer support for users of my scripts on a “when I’m not busy” basis. If you are having trouble with one of the scripts feel free to e-mail me at Please include:

  • Script name and version number (this will be in readme.txt)
  • Brief details of modifications you have made
  • What the problem is and how it was caused
  • Any other information you think may help fix the problem

It is helpful to ensure you’re running the most recent version of the scripts before contacting me with bug reports — it is likely they will have been caught and fixed already.


Security Alerts/Disclosure

To contact me regarding potential security threats in any of my scripts, please e-mail Mark the subject as urgent, and include the name(s) of the scripts you’re contacting about. Bug bounties are available for genuine issues.

Commercial Use?

My scripts are free for everyone. However, bandwidth costs me money, so if you’re using my scripts on a commercial website or just want to say “thanks!”, donations towards upkeep are greatly appreciated :)

You can donate through Paypal (you don’t need a Paypal account):