PHP Scripts: BellaBlocks
BellaBlocks is based on the popular “Guestblock” script. Guestblock, invented by Matt of is a type of guestbook script that allows users to build towers using small pixeled “blocks”. Unfortunately, development for guestblock was stopped a few years ago. BellaBlocks aims to pick up where Guestblock left off.
BellaBlocks Features
- Spam word checks
- Known spam-bot blocking
- Basic flood control
- Optional required fields
- CSS based layout & valid XHTML pages
- Tons of ready-made blocks; or add your own!
BellaBlocks Resources
Extra blocks and miscellaneous decorations for your BellaBlocks.
- Block backgrounds
- Ashley’s blocks (external)
- Meggan’s blocks (external)
Extra Blocks
Right-click and save to your blocks folder (for use with BellaBlocks only; ask the artist’s permission for anything else)
Credit and Thanks
BellaBlocks wouldn’t be fit for release without the help of the following people: