Weight Lifting archive

Always Another Goal

I am now about 2 weeks out from Edinburgh Marathon, with my last long run programmed for this weekend (20 friggin’ miles?!). I’m dreading this last long one, although I’m not sure why. As usual, I have full support of my running club who’re pacing me around different segments. Despite not having run the marathon… read full entry »

When Life Gets In The Way

I’m less than 4 weeks out from Edinburgh and I’m currently sitting here having a bit of a mini breakdown. I knew that training for a marathon — and doing so while working, keeping on top of my strength goals, raising kids, volunteering etc — would be hard. I knew it would take up lots… read full entry »

5 Real-World Benefits to Getting Strong

Although I frickin’ love working out for the physical changes its given me over the past few years (and in particular over the course of 2018 and into 2019, where I’ve been more consistent with my workouts) it is hands-down one of the most beneficial hobbies for day to day life too. Here are five… read full entry »

Female Fitness and the Menstrual Cycle

If you check out my workout logs on the regular, you may have seen the moan at the top of last week’s chest & triceps session: Today’s workout SUCKED BALLS. Everything felt too heavy, I couldn’t hit my usual amount of reps, bleargh. Period due in 5, 4, 3… Which, if you don’t have periods,… read full entry »

Welcomes, Wobbles and What Strength Means to Me

Hello, and welcome. If you’re reading this, you’re here at my brand new blog and latest project: StrongMum.com Wanting to share more of my fitness escapades but not wanting to bore the less-fit readers of my main personal blog, I decided to experiment. I created a basic layout and have been happily blogging to myself… read full entry »

Consistency and Cutting

Warning: this entry contains pictures of me in my pants. Sorry about that. I started this year sober and motivated, with the lofty goal of attending the gym consistently. Gaz’s generous gift of a year’s gym membership for my birthday in early January was going to be the catalyst for improvement in my strength and… read full entry »

Baby Got Back

In May of this year a friend asked if I monitored progress of my back, and I realised that I hadn’t been, so I had my husband Gaz take a picture. In July I then had him take a follow-up picture, having specifically increased my back workouts and generally put in more consistent effort in… read full entry »