Telford Town Centre Sign Fail

I took this picture (on my phone, hence dodgy quality) in the infant feeding room at Telford Town Centre…

no food and drink



  1. Heh, maybe they don’t consider infant food… regular food? :P

  2. Is it a magical elixir?

  3. Your only option is to put your baby on the boob.

  4. Hahahahaha. Fail blog worthy. x]

  5. Maybe it’s just as well that Isabel can’t read just yet XD

  6. Is that a positive note towards breast-feeding? Though the "no" is underlined…

  7. Jem

    15 Mar at 11:44 am

    Well, I consider breastfeeding to be food and drink, but that aside there’s a high chair in there for feeding older kids – what’s the point in that with ^that sign…

  8. this is something written to confuse…:-)

  9. That is a very contradictory sign.

  10. o_O That’s rather… stupid? Go complain to them about it. :P

  11. LOL My dad and I would definitely have a good old chuckle over this one! :)