Month: June 2010

I Got Trolled

Once upon a time, if someone left a comment on one of my entries that made me suspicious, I had the time to look into it and figure out who the person was and where they were from. Of course, I don’t have that luxury these days, I have a daughter to look after. I […]

jemjabella is a Nestle Free Zone

When I was in school, my drama teacher told the class a story about women in Africa who’d been given Nestle formula milk samples shortly after they’d had a baby. They used the samples, believing that formula was superior to their breast milk, which led to their milk drying up. Because their milk had dried […]

Coding, how I’ve missed thee

Today, I’ve spent every minute that Isabel has been nursing or asleep on me, one-handedly clicking my on-screen keyboard to try and get three different projects done. YES! Three! Didn’t anyone ever tell you that mums are THE BEST at multitasking? Anyway. So, my problem is that all three are secret secret hush hush, which […]

‘Don’t Forget to Back-Up’ List

With my recent move to Windows 7 from XP on my laptop, I had to do a back-up and fresh install (the actual upgrade option is only for Vista). This means remembering all of the silly little stuff that’s not quite as important as your photos or music, but is nonetheless annoying to lose. Every […]

I’m Concerned

Indeed… concerned that here in the UK we consider someone aged 16 old enough to have sex and, with that, cope with the consequences of this action (the possibility of producing offspring; having to raise new life) yet do not consider someone aged 17 responsible for their opinions. It scares me that we consider sex […]

You Are a Fucking Twat

Yes, you. Firstly, for this: …and then for the “I Don’t Support Breast Feeding in Public” Facebook group. But, let’s assume for one second that you’re simply an ill-educated fool who doesn’t have a clue about babies feeding, and break down every single word of your stupid Facebook group to give you a little education: […]