On Cat Books and Tom Cox

Karl’s mum bought me a cat book for Christmas. The Cat Who Came in from the Cold by Deric Longden, to be precise. I must admit, I started it with a little trepidation. Just because I like cats does not automatically mean I like everything to do with cats. However, the book was great, and I went on to demand Enough To Make A Cat Laugh for my birthday, buying Paws in the Proceedings myself (also by Longden). Anyway, after having sped through those, I was desperate for a new cat book to read. Yes, I am that sad.

I did a bit of a searching and came across “Under the Paw: Confessions of a Cat Man” by Tom Cox. I ordered it using the gift voucher my brother (Kris) gave me for my birthday, and it finally arrived a couple of weeks ago. Given that I only read a few pages a night to get me off to sleep, I’ve only just finished it. Aside from the desire to leave Karl, run away to find this chap and usurp his current girlfriend so that we can share our obvious mutual cat love (he has SIX cats!) — about which I’m obviously kidding, I love Karl very much — I couldn’t get over how funny I found the whole thing. I just couldn’t help but nod along to the majority of it (although I questioned the author’s sanity in taking on six cats, really.)

Unfortunately, Cox doesn’t seem to have published a second cat book, but upon browsing his (rather crap, sorry) website I discovered that he does blog. Not only that, he blogs about cats. He blogs about his own cats, and other people’s cats. How frickin’ cool is that?! (Please, that question needn’t be answered ;) )


  1. … I love you. You’re a very special lady.

  2. Thanks for the link! One can never have too many cat blogs in one’s RSS. :D

  3. This blog shows up in it’s own related posts. :P
    (Sorry, I don’t "do" cats. I come for funny/sarcastic coding blogs :P)

  4. Hmm…interesting. I can give you some more if you like mystery & cat fiction? Let me know & I will find the author & titles for you.

  5. A little off-topic. But a confession.

    Okay. Because I obviously have never seen how you look like or act like in real life, I do have a mental image (and not of a fatty fat fat pimply sort of man), but I imagine you to be the disguise of a girl I know. You both have the same attitude, and on Christmas, she got a new camera.

    Now she’s been taking cat pictures. What.

  6. I met a Mary Kay lady once who claimed to have 10 cats.

  7. 6 cats? Well, if I had a bit more space….and a few more funds then I’d have at least 6 if not more hehe. Glad you enjoyed the book though.

  8. I see right through this post. You’re hoping he catches this in his referrals list and sends you an autographed copy ;)

  9. Good luck with hunting Cox. :P

    I own one cat book. It’s quite surprisingly by William S. Burroughs (not first person to come in mind if someone asked authors who written about cats). Anyway it’s called "The Cat Inside". I like it quite a lot, it’s sweet book. :)

  10. The only cat book I own is Diary of a Cat (by Leigh W. Rutledge–which I got from my mom), as far as fiction goes. :3

    Aw, 6 cats? Looks like he managed to beat my cousins’ 5. XD

  11. My grandma had over 20 cats in her lifetime, I believe, and the most she ever had at any one point in time is 7. She only has 2 now, but I can’t visit her. I’m allergic, and there is cat hair EVERYWHERE.

    She’s a bit insane – she used to go round to people’s houses if they thought they weren’t looking after their cats, and demand that they hand them over. She even walked into people’s houses to take the cats after they opened the door.

  12. Jem, this post just emphasizes how awesome you are. If you are into cat fiction and mystery, my mom and gramma LOVE The Cat Who Books by Lilian Jackson. I’ve read one or two of them and they are funny. Maybe you’d be interested in giving one of them a try?

  13. Jem

    13 Mar at 7:16 pm

    Thanks Erin, I’ll have a look :D

  14. Sounds like you’ve met your match for an avid cat fan!