Furry Friday: Catching Rays

Mimi mentioned on last week’s Furry Friday post that Hex doesn’t get enough posts, and focus seems to be on Fudge. This isn’t intentional, I do not have a favourite cat. There are two problems, however, with posting new Hex material… firstly, he refuses to let me take his photograph properly, which means 90% of Hex pictures come out as a blur; secondly, he is such a dark cat and unless the light is absolutely intense, it’s almost impossible to capture his features rather than a big blob of black.

Anyway, excuses aside, this photo is from last week:

hex catching rays

And just to keep things interesting, a comparison shot from about 18 months ago, the week we got Hexynoodles:

hex as a kitten

As you can see, there’s a bit of a size difference…


  1. My cat likes to lie in the sun too :) Hex is so grown up now!

  2. Aw, Hex. Silly cat.

    Computer = cat butt warmer :P

  3. My sister has a black cat, and mine is mostly white at the front, so, when we lived together, it was practically impossible to take a picture on which both looked good.

  4. Hexybaby is simply adorable. I love him. You know if I ever get over there, I am going to steal him. I adore black cats.

  5. What a cutie. My cat loves to sit on my notebook as well, they must love the warmth.

  6. He has definitely grown. X3

  7. Ah yes, the classic ‘Study the individual fibers in the carpet’ pose. I am so familiar with this pose.
    He is beautiful Jem, and so cuddly too :) Cats like Hexynoodles need lots of smooches.

  8. Heh, before I read the explanation I was wondering whether Hex has suddenly got smaller :P

    Love his fur in the first photo. :D

  9. I know what you mean with the blackness. I have a black rabbit and unless I’ve got good lighting, he’s just a big black hole.

  10. black cat lazing in the sunshine = excellence source of heat. ;)

  11. black cats are hard to photograph, I have the same problem with Sam.
    There sure is a size difference, does he still like to sit on your laptop?

  12. Oh my gosh what a pretty picture of Hex in that first one. I bet black cats are hard to photograph. You very rarely see very sharp pictures of black cats.

  13. What a gorgeous cat! Worth the extra effort to take his photo. His fur looks so super shiny in that first photo. When I think about both cats in my lifetime that lives 20 years or so, were both black. I must have a preference there.

  14. Aww… how is Hex on the laptop keys without accidentally opening up the start menu? I always accidentally open the start menu when I type random gibberish, yet Hex can sit on there without anything happening.

  15. Greeting from Belgium
    Lovely fotos,
    Louisette+2 golden retriever, one cat blue

  16. Love the sunny shot of Hex. So cute!

  17. This comment is super late but.. YAY HEXY! :D He is the cutest big blob of black I have ever seen!