Tag: media

Coping Without TV

In the weeks after Isabel’s arrival, Karl and I stopped watching TV. It wasn’t planned; in fact, we were really pleased originally that the cottage had such an awesome aerial compared to the old flat. It just seemed so… low priority. I’d vowed not to let Isabel be babysat by the TV anyway, so I […]

Britney Spears Loses Her Children

I’ve just heard that Britney Spears has lost custody of her children to her (ex?) husband K-Fed. Now, I don’t know much about all that’s gone on with her but for a judge to hand over custody to the father over the mother, she must have done something pretty screwed up. I’m sure many of […]

It’s funny..

..if I insult a person’s ability to code, mock their design or make a general nuisance of myself by pointing out every possible flaw in a person’s website — that’s OK. You all join in, laughing and often posting much more offensive commentary than I (sometimes calling people “retard” or “moron”, even). Yet, if I […]

X Factor

I have to admit — rather grudgingly — that I watch the X Factor. I can’t stand the arsing about at the end and the “TEXT A B or C to VOTE” bollocks, but the auditions are a supply of hilarity. The contestants are usually pig-ugly (no offence Emily, your pig is cute) and have […]

The Cricket

We won the cricket! Some silly Ashes thing that only happens because the Australians beat us and so we burned the wicket — or something. I only found that out last night. Hoorah! Anyway: why am I celebrating this? No, it’s not because I’m a sporty person. I miss when I try to kick a […]


So, apparently Britney Spears is pregnant. I am not going to predict how well she’ll be able to bring up her child, as only time will tell, however, I’m sure comments like this aren’t going to help: person a: “Hey, my momma kissed Madonna, j00 know that?” me: What’s that got to do with her […]