Category: Interwebs

Anything and everything vaguely internet related. Blogging, industry, social media: if you can find it online, I’ve talked about it in here.

Google’s Mistake

How can we expect a generation of young coders and developers to learn what the meaning of words like “syntax”, “property”, “element” and “attribute” are, if even Google gets it wrong: Make sure that your TITLE and ALT tags are descriptive and accurate.(source) Ten points for anyone who can spot the mistake there. (Why should […]

Blogging For Cash

When people talk to me about blogging and maintaining websites for the sake of earning money, they tend to walk away with the impression that I am against the use of this delicious medium that we call the Internet as a financial aid. The only problem with this is that strictly speaking… I’m not. Don’t […]

Revisiting Alexa

A week ago I blogged about Manipulating Alexa. At the time I called any gain in rank “fake”, but since then I’ve considered whether my statement was logical. Considering that the majority of you — if you’re anything like me — are likely to visit your site at least once daily anyway, surely this is […]

Manipulating Alexa

I’ve noticed over the past couple of weeks a lot of websites are suddenly sporting little badges boldly displaying their Alexa rank with pride. This coincides “nicely” with the increase of PPP bloggers and other sponsoring programs because some of these services use Alexa as a measurement of how good your blog is and how […]

New Script: BellaBiblio

The more observant (or should that be nosy?) of you will have noticed a new page appeared in my scripts section this week titled “BellaBiblio” (mucho thanks to Hayley for the creative name). BellaBiblio is a new flat file PHP-based book rating/listing script for those avid readers out there. It uses a single plain text […]

Cynical Me

Is it wrong that every time I visit a new blog I assume a post that recommends a product is PPP related?

Unsafe PHP Scripts

In my spare time I like to review free PHP scripts. This is a log of my findings. Section skip links: Guestbooks, Fanlisting Management Scripts, FAQ/Ask & Answer Scripts, Forms/Form Mailers/Auto Forms, Directory Scripts, Miscellaneous Guestbooks Script skip links: Simpbook, XueBook SimpBook SimpBook, one of the old CodeGrrl scripts, not only contains a cross site […]

With Thanks

Thank you to those who sent me e-mails and/or left comments after my ranty post yesterday. I appreciate that effort that it takes to try and be sympathetic or supportive so it’s always nice when I’m on the receiving end of that good will. I chilled out with some beans on toast and an evening […]