
Of course it’s a brilliant idea to decide to revive your neglected blog by taking part in National Blog Posting Month despite having absolutely craploads of work to do, 2 personal projects to launch, your portfolio site to do-over and countless other things including cleaning the manky house and getting the garden prepped for winter… read full entry »

Does the Taxman know about your Blog?

The rise of the professional blogger and those who monetise their personal blogs has crept up slowly and now, everyone’s doing it. For some people it’s a genuine source of income, for some it’s their business and others simply do it for a bit of extra cash. In every instance you earn tangible money from… read full entry »

Izzy’s Pictures

Earlier on this year I saw a Travel Supermarket competition being mentioned on twitter – Kids Capture the Colour. The basic gist is that parent bloggers enter, get sent a camera, get their kids to take some pics and then someone votes on some based on the colours or something. I admit I only entered… read full entry »

The Animal Shed

We recently bought two sheds: a 6×4″ for the tools and general garden crap, and an 8×6″ for the animal hutches. Or that was the general plan anyway. After battling for an entire weekend to get the 8×6″ up (due to a combination of location, size and having to build it around 2 ‘helpful’ small… read full entry »

Thoughts on #revolutionconf

I went to my first ever web conference today. I know, working on/with the web for over 10 years and it’s taking me this long to get out and meet people! I met some fantastic, funny and smart people, not to mention some friends who I’ve been talking to online for as long as I… read full entry »

Sugar Free September: Failtastic

So, yep, I failed my Sugar Free September challenge. After surviving the weekend before last when a dicky tum meant I was struggling to stay hydrated and thought I’d have to give up, I only went and ate a jaffa cake on Saturday by accident. I see your raised eyebrow – but it was totally… read full entry »

Mumma-led Weaning

I took the decision a few weeks ago to start refusing Oliver feeds overnight. The idea I had was that if he cried when I said no, I would feed him anyway, but that if he lay back down and went to sleep: win win. It goes against every part of me that supports baby-led… read full entry »

5 ways to profit from blogging without advertising

I actually wanted to name this post “5 ways to profit from blogging without sticking great big flashy advertising banners all over it or pretending you love krill oil” but I decided that was probably a little too long. However, I do have some genuine tips on how to make a little bit of money… read full entry »

Sugar Free September: week 1 over

After nearly messing up on day 1 when we got stuck out longer than anticipated and had to buy lunch supplies to eat on the go (when I discovered just in time that even plain roast chicken in a packet contains added sugar! Shame on you Tesco) I have now been officially sugar free for… read full entry »

Meet Rosie

Well, that was quick. I know, I know, just a few days ago discussing a rescue rabbit and yet here we are with a bunny. She’s not a “rescue” bunny, as such. But we have rescued her in as such that her future was uncertain, as she was being offered ‘free to good home’ on… read full entry »