Your Questions Answered, Part Two

Ben asked: what was the very first thing that you did which got you into web development?

Neopets. Hahahaha. Yes, sad but true. I wanted as many trophies as I could get for my user lookup, and one of them was the pet page thing… I figured I could learn HTML, create an awesome pet page and get the trophy. I learned basic HTML, and from there had my own website etc. Never did get that bloody trophy though.

Hev asked: If you could change one thing in you life, either past or current, what would it be?

Ooh, tough question. I try not to have regrets, because I figure dwelling on something doesn’t change what has happened. I guess the most important thing to me at the moment is Isabel, and having seriously underestimated how much I’d want to stay at home with her for the first few years I’d thus probably change either our living situation (so that we didn’t have to pay so much rent, requiring two incomes) or the amount I’d saved (so that I could stay off for longer, living on that).

Meggan asked: What do you worry most about w/r/t returning to work?

Missing something important. Not being there to kiss Isabel better when she falls. Only being able to see her gorgeous face for a few hours a day. Nothing that mums haven’t been dealing with for years, but bother me nonetheless. :(

7 comments so far

  1. Mumblies said:
    On 09 Nov at 8:25 pm

    I promise to do my very best to make sure that she never falls, therefore not needing to be kissed better, but rest assured should she need kisses I am more than happy to oblige :) I will also do my very best to take as many photographs and videos as possible so that you miss nothing while you are at work.
    p.s. you spelt ‘tough’ wrongly in your answer to Hev :P (where’s my typo reporting button gone?)

  2. Casey said:
    On 09 Nov at 10:28 pm

    Neopets? Really? And here I thought I was the *only* one who learned HTML in the first place because of pet pages XDDDDD

  3. Vickie said:
    On 09 Nov at 10:43 pm

    /me whispers: Neopets was also the reason I learnt HTML in the beginning.

  4. Meggan said:
    On 10 Nov at 3:11 am

    Ack, sorry to be such a Debbie Downer and end your post on a sad note! It’s hard for sure but you guys will get through it.

  5. Vera said:
    On 10 Nov at 12:44 pm

    Aw maaaan, that second question seems like a bummer. Here, you can get about 2 years off to stay at home with your kid (and your boss can’t fire you), but I find that for me it would be professional suicide to be out of the job loop for so long.

    So now I imagine I’ll be like you when the time comes to have a baby and get back to work :\

  6. Carly said:
    On 10 Nov at 2:40 pm

    Yep, I’m another one who started learning HTML because of Neopets.

    I think Neopets should be proud of how many kids they a) kept of the streets and b) got into coding, thus getting good jobs as a result of their site. If it wasn’t for them, I doubt I’d be doing what I’m doing now… Unless, of course, I found another way in…

  7. Dan said:
    On 10 Nov at 10:56 pm

    That makes another one for the Neopets thing. hah.