Misc Computery Babblings

Anyone following me on twitter may have since my minor temper tantrum in which I threatened violence towards my laptop on the 5th. Rest assured, I managed to get through the evening without beating it — or Karl — up, but it was a close call.

Reason being (apart from raging hormones), I couldn’t get Ubuntu to do what I wanted. Having spent god knows how many years (12? 13?) as a Windows user who can do absolutely anything and everything, who knows how everything works, etc… it’s incredibly frustrating to feel like a n00b again. I was an inch from formatting the lot and starting again with XP. It was only because I was ignoring Karl, and he has the hard disk I use for backing up/data transfer, that stopped me. Clearly on reflection, it was my typical stubbornness that saved me there.

Anyway, I have now solved the majority of my problems, and I’ve got Notepad++ working under WINE. It is a little buggy (so much so that I’ve disabled some of the features) but the parts I “need” work just fine.

In other geeky news, I’ve updated my homepage a little. Using some of the feedback I got earlier on this week I’ve made the background a little lighter and text brighter to increase contrast, have buggered about with fonts and sizing (again, still %-driven, so you can tweak to your liking) and replaced one column of entries on the home page with handy links to make it a bit less busy. I still need to add proper sidebars throughout the site, but I’m far too lazy. Meh. :)


  1. Old background please. :P

    I was at ~60% download for Ubuntu today and restarted Firefox totally forgetting about it. I don’t think I’m suppose to use it. *shacks fist at sky*

  2. Jem

    07 Feb at 10:39 pm

    Piss off. :P

  3. Heh, used to run Notepad++ with Wine too for some time. Then I discovered that I like KDE better than Gnome and that Kate is just wonderful text editor.

  4. Oh yes, I absolutely hated feeling like a noob with linux. Just keep at it and read a lot of articles and you’ll be absolutely fine. Plus, the gratification of making something work when you had to put so much effort into it is far greater than just having things work with a click of a button!

  5. I like the changes. Looks better. :)

  6. Woah… at first I saw the old CSS so everything looked weird. 0_o

  7. Finally you added an Archives link! :P I like the changes! The white on the other background hurt my eyes, but this is much nicer :)

  8. I can’t remember what the old layout looked like, but I do know that I like this new format :) Yay for the sidebar.

  9. It’s much easier to read now, thanks :)

    And the homepage looks less confusing too. *nods nods* I like it.
    Heh, I only rezisted about 2 hours with a Linux distro (Fedore 3 at the time) after which I said "ok, that’s enough, back to Windows". So yay for making Notepad++ work. Still, my distribution of Fedora had some text editor which worked quite similarly to Notepad++) something starting with K (forgot the name). It came with the core OS….

  10. Oh the headaches Linux has caused, but I still love it. <3

    I’m sure you will learn and in no time you’ll be the linux elitist ;)

  11. Hey :3 I just added you, I finally caved in. Let the nonsense begin!!

  12. heh, I still can’t believe you use Twitter :P

  13. Like I said – if you want everything done for you and learn nothing, stick with Windows.

    Me, as much as Ubuntu makes me swear (and to be fair, it’s just USB in VirtualBox that’s giving issue right now), it’s..fun. If something doesn’t run, it’s annoying. However, there’s usually ways to do it.

    Like I said, Photoshop CS is NEARLY working in WINE again, but I can always just knock you up a Windows XP Virtual machine for it..heh..

  14. I REALLY love the way this looks. I think it’s a great compromise between what you had before and what I consider to be a traditional "Jem" layout, with the highly-functional sidebars and whatnot.