Furry Friday: Cuddles

How better to bring myself back into regular blogging than with pictures of the furry boys? Apologies for the quality, these are taken in shit light (again):

cuddly cats

tunnel fudgey

And if you like Furry Fridays, you may be interested in my next project. I’ll not be starting it for a couple of months though, so you can wait until then for details.


  1. SQUEAL!!!! Thanks Jem. I needed these today. Boy, I almost bought tunnel for you. I am glad that I didn’t, lol. Need any other toys? I hate the sound of that cause it almost sounds as if you can’t find anything across the pond, lol. But I know that in Ireland you can’t find a certain type of furry mice (Rhea has me get them for her) & I can get them over here. If you do then let me know & I will send them with your present.

  2. Awww! :D They look so cute together :) My cat is a bit anti social, and even when we still had the other cat they’d hardly ever sleep together like that :(

  3. Awww! Fudge looks so cute in the tunnel. ^__^

  4. Gosh – so cute! The first one – adorable. Another project? You and your projects! How can you handle all this?!

  5. YAY! So cuuuute! :D

  6. Aww, Fudge is so big now! <3

  7. Hoorah! Did we miss them last Friday? I thought so because of the move but I could be wrong..! I wish my cats cuddled.. They just hiss at each other. LOL

  8. Does anyone else see the dildo on the couch behind the cats? JK super cute!

  9. That first picture is absolutely ADORABLE! I just want to squish them!

  10. I love how you slyly mention the coming of a new project, but don’t reveal any details. I think that’s just plain cruel. :( … hehehe.

    Your cats are too cute. It’s great they seem to get along so well together; I can’t remember a time when my dog was ever that chummy with another animal, dog or not. :P … Anti-social little bugger!

  11. Aww cute little fellas aren’t they!
    Way to go on holding out the surprise, gawwwsh! Might it have something to do with dedicating a website to Furry Fridays only every day of the week? :P

  12. OMG, they are just soo adorable. Fudge has beautiful eyes.

  13. Smashing pics Jem :) Glad you have your internet back too!

  14. Fudge has gotten so big!!!! They grow up so fast, it’s cute to see they are good friends though and like to hug each other ;)

  15. I love your cutiepie kitties <3

  16. Hey Jem =)
    Your cats look really cute! I like the white one.
    I wanted to ask you if you could help me with something. I would like to display my fanupdate stats on my homepage but I have no idea how to get that up and running. Would it be possible that you could have a look at it and tell me if it’s possible with fanupdate?
    Bye <3

  17. Aww, you can see they feel right at home. They are adorable <3

  18. Kittehs! Soo adorable :D
    Fudgeies has pretty eyes *-*

  19. I always thought it would be fun to have 2 cats at the same time, I’ve only ever had 1. They look really bonded.