Cats Have Terrible Timing

Why is it that cats have such terrible — or perfect, depending on how you look at it — timing when it comes to litter tray business?

For instance:

  • It doesn’t matter how many times a cat has already been to the tray that day, the moment it is cleaned and stocked with fresh litter, they will find a way to pop out another poop.
  • The only exception to the above rule is if you have visitors due, in which case they wait until said visitor(s) are in the room, and THEN they poop.
  • Despite having five hours between their last meal and bed time, they always wait until you’re brushing your teeth before they poop (even after a litter tray change poop) so that you get the delightful mixture of pungent turd and minty freshness assaulting your nostrils.

Such lovely creatures, aren’t they?


  1. That doesn’t happen with my cat. She just goes to the bathroom when we’re all asleep.

  2. My cat always poops outside. She hardly ever uses the litter box, even though it’s always clean :P That is mainly the reason it’s always clean xD.

  3. Or in my case, they start chasing each other around the house right before I start falling asleep and at 5:30am the following morning.

  4. It’s a good thing our litter boxes are in the basement.
    My cat, Ruby, bites visitors. D:

  5. "the delightful mixture of pungent turd and minty freshness"


  6. I hear what you’re saying Sam does exactly the same. Whenever I have cleaned his litter box I turn around and he goes on it, so I can clean it again.

  7. Another thing they have such perfect timing with is feeling the need to knead the crap out of your arm / side with their claws when you’re trying to go to sleep!

  8. Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention the part about wanting to sleep at the top of your head, not only stealing your pillow but ultimately becoming some kind of cat turban..

    Good riddens to them all I say!

  9. Ohh, right now I’m glad I don’t have cats *grins*.

  10. Mhm, very lovely indeed…

  11. XD According to my mom, if they go in the litter box right after you’ve cleaned it out, it means they’re thanking you.

  12. Oh how I’d love to have a cat. <3

  13. Do your cats like to wipe their paws on everything surrounding the litter box after they’ve gone? My old cat had her litter box in the pantry and she would wipe her paws on the boxes of food surrounding her litter box. Make me wonder why we put it in there in the first place…

  14. It’s official: Cats are weirdos. I know a cat who washes his paws in the shower basin after being in the crapbox. XD

  15. My cats do the same thing! As soon as I finish cleaning out the litterbox, both of them are in it, using it in some way or other.

    and while I’m trying to clean it out, they’ll be messing around in it and crap. it’s really annoying.

  16. My cat usually craps WHILE I’m cleaning the litter box.

  17. That’s why you love ’em so Jem hehe :)

  18. You’re not alone – my two do the exact same things, especially the pooping-just-after-a-visitor-arrived. I swear they do it on purpose lol! Having a hooder cat litter tray really helps though, the smell is much less bad!

  19. Which is why I don’t have a cat.

  20. I just think cats don’t like anybody messin’ with their sh–.

    You move it – they put it back. LOL

  21. My cat will wait until I am in the shower, sudsing away, before going to the litter box so that I cannot get out and release the fumes…

  22. My cat always pooed outside, my dog however, has not yet grasped that concept if you don’t let him out every hour. Our Labrador then stresses – PROPER stresses because he thinks you’ll think it might be him that’s done it… except his poos are giant and my dogs are tiny so you can distinguish!

  23. My cats don’t poop.. They are saints. *halo* Bwuahaha